Hi, Thought about need help. I would prefer to make a web site site but i want help and you want to buy a book to help you me design them. I need a book that may cover certain area’s. a new system of uploading videos on my personal website, polls and also paying. And im guessing i will also need to create a databases to store most this data. Im not a complete novice, I have the A level in ICT but would still like a simple to implement book. Can you please recommenced the proper job one’s please! Thanks
For everything your trying to do… You are generally talking more concerning using some variety or server side scripting language…
Php is very much the most utilized in web design lately… And hosting for php is quite cheap
There are actually a series connected with books called Visually learning… For a lot of web scripting products… ‘look for normally the one called visually understand php…
Great… The assumptions coming from all these books are for you to already have a good understanding of HTML CODE…
A lot of online resources on the market too.