Hi there folks,
I’ve got an individual interested in incorporating a live webcam feed for their barbers shop site.
Anyone got any ideas where ideally get started on!!! i’ve been exploring and found quite a few products but they vary a great deal in price and what they do that i’m puzzling myself with curious about how best for you to tackle it!!!
They want to gain it (initially anyway) being just the one particular webcam (built within pc) dishing available the feed. however i could see it growing to acquire a cam at each chair inside the barbers shop for watching the personnel while they work
thanks in advance anyone that might shed any easy on this
oh mind you the ones i am checking out are generally broadcam which isn’t going to feed live on to a webpage on the website but in another browser window
the other would be some kind of flash solution employing flash comm device then a flash item using a specific webpage getting your hands on the feed which might need to go through its own hosting company (think here is the right jist of how this would work! )
additional solution was some sort of ‘bespoke-ish’ solution originating from a media company (streamuk. com)
thanks and thanks before hand for any help on this
First of, I would research the idea of putting customers dwell photos online,
whilst they’re getting its hair cut. I think there might always be some privacy difficulties there.
You have 2 camera choices… a live give (like video), which takes a lot of
refinement and bandwidth, or perhaps snapshot feeds (maybe once per minute)
The snapshots are easier to deal with.
You may get wireless cameras that each have their private IP address.
A program running on your hard disk goes to the actual camera(s) and grabs the third image.
The item then uses any built-in FTP (file shift protocol) to add them to your
online website. Your PC should always be operating, and always connected
on the internet.
I think you will run into a range of cameras, but the vast majority of wireless ones come
using the software needed that will grab the photos. The variations between the cameras
is definitely the software. It’s in which software that procedures the camera photos at a
given interval in addition to uploads them via FTP aimed at your website.
Adding multiple cameras could possibly be trickier, but I think about it’s done often.
This might be a greater explanation… some what to explore, since I am just not really
a guru at webcams:
http: //www. pickyguide. com/computers_and_software/wireless_webcams_guide. html
thanks in your quick reply, i’ve made my client alert to the legality connected with providing live give of customers as well as possible issue associated with seriously increased expenditures for increased bandwidth use!!
broadcam seems the very best option for her at the moment i think in case it proves well-liked she can have a look at upgrading the system to something more appropriate.
Blogtv. com, stickam. com, justin. tv for pc, uslivestream. com, ustream. tv for pc. all free.
You’d have to stream the information from the barber shop towards the web server to be honest… Best way to perform that is to create a stream engine inside the barber shop, and pull inside video from there.