I recently wanted to find some good opinion into whethere frames usage to exhibit only ads a very good idea, or will it have got a negative impact on the webpage being indexed through search engines
I am aware that lot associated with new browsers are preventing frames. Is there ways to get around this matter
I do not want to spot ads on my site because it only disfigures coursesmart layout.
Second, If i do get out there and introduce frames over my site pages, is it effortless to link one frame to all pages on our site, i was ony asking as i have over 300 webpages (HTML/CSS) and unfortunately a possibility a dynamic website.
Please note that i use dreamweaver 6 and and think about my self any newbie if anything
Almost all comments are a great deal appreciated
Yea, it should be ok If its in Full Plain View.
Oh yea, and btw, It should not Impact the various search engines. I have web pages that Uses Glasses (As Navigators) which works quite as well.
Actually, Working on different person now.
Intended for my Purpose, Its superior to having to set a Navigator about Each Page: classic:.
Thanks, this is certainly just exactly what i got hoping for.
Relating to never actually introduced any frames within my sites. This is a new one with luck.
Only to be clear, i simply have to create one particular frame and put it inside the site dir proper
Theres one or two ways of doing it.
The way in which I do it truly is this. You have an Index. html code, it point to help 2 Different Html. One called your Side. html as well as the other called any Main. html
The website Im working on is called petcemeteryonline. com to obtain an Idea.
This is actually the index. html Blueprint:
< meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content=" text/html; charset=windows-1252" x-undefined>
< META NAME=" Keywords" CONTENT=" family pet, cemetery, online, petcemetery" >
< META NAME=" Description" CONTENT=" On the net Pet Cemetery" >
< META NAME=" Author" CONTENT=" " >
< /HEAD>
< frameset cols=" 12%, 88%" frameborder=" YES" border=" 0" scrolling=" no" >
< style src=" side5. html" name=" side" noresize>
< style src=" main5. html" name=" main5" >
< /frameset>
< noframes> < /noframes> < /html>
Frameset Cols 12% to be able to side5 and 88% to help main5
It’s going to do a Divide Screen With Body.
You can find other ways to do it, I dont keep in mind how though.
But I use this Method on All my Sites.
This is a Side by Side, If you want a highly regarded and Bottom, i want to know. I develop the Code for that too.
Thanks a bunch i had a look at your site and i am doing it pretty much the same manner only i’m using just the top part.
< head>
< meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content=" text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
< title> Frameset< /title>
< /head>
< frameset rows=" 137, *" cols=" *" framespacing=" 0" frameborder=" no" border=" 0" >
< style src=" UntitledFrame-9. html" name=" topFrame" scrolling=" No" noresize=" noresize" id=" topFrame" title=" topFrame" />
< style src=" zzzpage_294. html" name=" mainFrame" id=" mainFrame" title=" mainFrame" />
< /frameset>
< noframes> < body>
< /body>
< /noframes> < /html>
Now this is certainly linked to yet another frame file in addition to an index archive.
At this point here’s my situation, everything works well if a visitor comes about site via directory. html and still browse other web pages, frame shows at each page
Even so, if a visitor finds anyother 299 pages on my site and goes to them directly, the frame does not show. How should i fix this
This might explain, I have got a 300 page site and i would like to introduce interchanging adbanners about all pages, even so, i do not wish to copy and substance these codes to 300 pages, so i thought if i could use frames to exhibit banners on many pages then it could be much easier for you to edit banners and since these are compatible same code is fine but not all banners shall be identical.