Alignment problem with CSS in IE

Hi there Everyone,

I’m taking care of a page that could have invisible backlinks hidden over a great image. I used CSS to help position the links within the image. It shows correctly in Firefox as well as Chrome, but in IE there’s an area between a lot of the background images end of it. Does anyone realize how to close the gap Thanks beforehand. (I will, not surprisingly, add a border=" none" tag if the page is all set — to disguise the links. ) I evaluations have a whole of 13 links, if that matters.

With thanks,

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD HTML 4. 01 Transitional//EN" >
< html>
< head>
< title> Hookey Twiggies — Rose< /title>
< meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content=" text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" >

< fashion type=" text/css" >
<! —
. navbarfont
font-weight: 1 , 000;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: sans-serif;

<! —
. songtitlefont
font-weight: 1 , 000;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: serif;

<! —
. lyricsfont
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: sans-serif;

<! —
. notesfont
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 10px;
font-family: sans-serif;


#link1 placement: absolute; left: 25%; top: 15px;
#link2 placement: absolute; left: 45%; top: 25px;
#link3 placement: absolute; left: 33%; top: 40px;
#link4 placement: absolute; left: 52%; top: 50px;
#link5 placement: absolute; left: 66%; top: 65px;
#link6 placement: absolute; left: 71%; top: 210px;
#link7 placement: absolute; left: 22%; top: 340px;
#link8 placement: absolute; left: 46%; top: 470px;
#link9 placement: absolute; left: 56%; top: 510px;

< /style>
< /head>


< system bgcolor=" black" >

< stand width=" 950" border=" 0" align=" center" cellpadding=" 0" cellspacing=" 0" >
< tr>
< td height=" 7" colspan=" 3" background=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/topstrip. jpg" > < /td>
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< tr>
< td width=" 187" height=" 575" valign=" top" background=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/leftcolumn. jpg" >
< br> < p align=" left" class=" navbarfont" > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" index. htm" > < font color=" white" > Home< /font> < /a>
< br>
< p align=" left" class=" navbarfont" > < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" inthesunshine. htm" > < font color=" white" > Around
this Sunshine< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" hideandseek. htm" > < font color=" white" > Disguise
and Seek< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" thebrothersong. htm" > < font color=" white" > This
Pal Song< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" lovewelose. htm" > < font color=" white" > Enjoy
Most of us Lose< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" pixiesandpurplemonsters. htm" > < font color=" white" > Pixies
and Purple< /font> < /a> < br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" pixiesandpurplemonsters. htm" > < font color=" white" > Monsters< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" theendoftheuniverse. htm" > < font color=" white" > This
End of the< /font> < /a> < br>
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; < a href=" theendoftheuniverse. htm" > < font color=" white" > Universe< /font> < /a> < br>
< br>
< /td> < /p>


< td width=" 575" height=" 575" valign=" top" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/rosekrouse. jpg" width=" 575" height=" 575" >

< div id=" link1" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link2" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link3" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link4" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link5" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link6" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link7" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=" link8" > < a href=" http: //amazon. com" > < img src=" http: //www. webdesignforums. net/images/trans50. gif" > < /a> < /div>
< div id=&q

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