Apache help anyone?

I recently installed Apache using MySQL and PHP (XAMPP) in my c: push. I couldn’t comprehend it to run via my local web host. I think this is because I experienced previously installed Bitnami so once i opened a browser and left for the local coordinator, I got the particular Bitnami page rather.

I then found a way to change the port setting this also seemed to do the job except that after i was configuring MyPHPAdmin I became trying to modify the password yet I saw on the screen that ?t had been already " secure" so I haven’t been able to change this password. Is this something I be concerned about especially should the site goes live May i have both Bitnami as well as Apache on my computer concurrently or will I must choose one on the other to make it work through the area host properly My organization is trying to develop a Joomla site and want to assure that it’s safe and sound.

With thanks.

Need additional detail –
skin anti wrinkle cream your testing OS
what will the particular host be running should the site goes live

Based only on which you have mentioned above, I’d say select Apache, as and this most hosts operate on.

If your running Linux use xamp, if its mac mamp, whenever its windows wamp. In case you have skype go for you to options > advanced > connection as well as untick " utilize port 80 and also 443 as options for incoming connections".

Also make sure that any other way of hosting software you have on your hard disk has been removed as this would defo cause situations. When you commence *amp it must be in your job bar and with any luck , turn green, if its even now yellow it means there is something blocking it.

Wish this kinda assists.

Hi. I’m running Windows 7 O/S for a 64-bit Sony laptop computer. I originally utilised Bitnami for building and testing the WordPress site. I had taken an online program that recommended that.

I had been told by the hosting company that i didn’t need to install Apache. It’s already there to me and I can just upload this Joomla files to your test folder I developed under a current domain I have. Then create my personal site. I’m seeking to do it locally simply for the experience in the event that anyone happens with my test site. Because I haven’t been able to secure this password in MyPHPAdmin, I’m more determined running it locally. I also care more about the whole database thing. I have no idea what it is definitely but apparently you place one up on internet land. I haven’t become that far still in my on the internet training.

QUEEN: So would you recommend that I uninstall Bitnami a then reinstall Apache Likewise, can I create and test WP web sites using Apache while well

Thanks for all you help.

Hi there Alanna,

Yes You should uninstalling Bitnami as well as install Apache when apache is more productive.

Respond to your question. Yes you could have WordPress, Joomla, cmsfs, phpbb, loads of different cms’s. The database is definitely much easier to promote in wamp as well Be sure you download the Wamp x64 edition too. It will allow you to out no stop.

In case you have problems installing, please screenshot the difficulty and I can take a look into it further for yourself.

Ok, so I’m likely to uninstall Bitnami and also XAMPP. Then reinstall. But are you currently saying that I must be using WAMP rather then XAMP, m3n0tu18 Furthermore, do I need to install both the 32-bit and the 64-bit Do I need to have both I’m a little bit confused here……

Furthermore, I had improved the Skype setting to not rely on port 80. If I install both the 64 and the 32-bit WAMP as well as XAMPP will there be a interface conflict

In case you are on Windows you may need WAMP.
You might be running 64-bit home windows 7, so use 64-bit WAMP.

Around WAMP, once it can be installed, if you evaluate the directory framework, you will see a filer name " www". All the sites you wish to use WAMP with ought to be created as folders into the " www" folder.
Then after you launch WAMP and appearance in " localhost" you will notice those folders.

Hi there Alanna,

Alphamare is proper there You need to make sure you only mount the x64 version for those who have a x64 appliance. Also yes, if its a new windows machine you will need WAMP. (Windows apache mysql php)

You have got port conflicts should you install both (only ONE is needed) it is possible to locate the internet directory in
C: \wamp\www < — as long as you have installed it as default.

Yep – I’ve been using WAMP cardio now, and I couldn’t work when fast or since easily as POST do without them.

Thanks a mil for your help, guys! I’ll get it going afterwards today and inform you about if I have much more problems. Sounds a bit complicated but Now i am not afraid with challenge!! (It’s likely only in my own head, right)

This is an amazing web-site for resources! And so glad I located it. Thanks once again!

Hey no issue. Yea it seems complicated, but trust my home its dead simple to your workplace Were all here that will Also, remember to Similar to peoples posts should you found it useful It helps people =)

Less than there yet! I’ve installed a copy of WAMP. Most seemed ok right up until I tried this localhost and got the Bitnami dash page. I observed the testmysql. php record and configure the idea with 127. 0. 0. YOU, root, and zero password. I will get to the WAMP console if i use 127. 0. 0. 1 inside browser but WE don’t see it while i just use your localhost. Can this always be fixed Any ideas I think it must end up being something small, right Port setting, perhaps

Furthermore, if I am looking to learn Joomla, does someone install that outside the house WAMP or within just it Thanks all over again, guys.

I might take offline just about any previous hosting program. Also take off WAMP and go through your current program files directory and remove most of traces to Bitnami as its causing a challenge here. Its possible the embedded code on hosts file that will redirect localhost to the bitnami client. and so check that.

You’ll be able to download Joomla ONE. 7 from here www. joomla. org all anyone gotta do is definitely extract it to a directory folder on www folder for example. C: /wamp/www/Joomla17 then many you gotta do is be sure Wamp is internet and green and in a browser go for you to http: //localhosts/joomla17 or perhaps http: //127. 0. 0. 1/joomla17 =)

I uninstalled Bitnami and also XAMPP last quick so I don’t even think there’s anything still left unless it’s undetectable somewhere. I installed J

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