Hello, guys!
*First Post about the forums *
My organization is quite new to help webdesign and goods, but i’ve discovered some basic web coding and css plus it makes me happy cause i really like programming and webdesign as well as all that
I am here because i would really like to hear your opinions about a project relating to been working at. (I will add the project, hope an archive with the files in its ok for you. Didn’t come here to infect an individual with viruses )
Soo… I created a site for my girlfriend’s internet business and was working on a menu to the site. I wanted it to become flash so my partner and i grabbed Adobe Thumb Catalyst and managed it the WYGIWYS approach because i have no idea of any actionscript for using Flash. (I guess Catalyst isn’t the suitable program to can such tasks: VERTISEMENTS )
I actually like the design from the menu, BUT it is far from scalable in the browser even though i can wide open the swf in your area and, like, resize the window belonging to the adobe flash player in order that the menu immediately resizes. It does not in the internet browser.
Basically, these are this questions:
1. Is it OK/effective to make (simple) menus when mine in Prompt: S
What on earth do you usually use Catalyst for
2. What alternatives do I can get a scalable menu while using same design capabilities as mine (maybe a few css or find out actionscript)
A FEW. How do you like the design belonging to the artwork (actually, lemme setup a poll )
Okay know what you like/dislike regarding it, please!!!
PS. Ignore the fact the text from the menu is with German
PS2. Additionally, please excuse this English mistakes – My organization is Russian
1. I don’t be familiar with Catalyst, but it is possible to create great possibilities in Flash Specialist, and it’s WYSIWYG.
2. CSS is the language intended for styling menus. Can be done pretty much anything you can use with flash.
A FEW. I like the item, but you ought to add more depth to the piano – it looks too 2D and basic.
PS.: German ignored.
PSS.: Instant messaging russian too
Thanks for the answer, George!
I guess I’m going to try doing the same thing with CSS soon after some research on doing tough one stuff with that. As I said. My skills are basic
I’ll post that here once I get some results.
About the artwork itself. ye I recognize that it seems to be pretty basic. Our first thought had been doing, like, a true piano thing — the hover to become like real cello keys being pushed down. But unfortunately My organization is no art-designer, making sure that is too advanced for me. And I’m pretty very pleased of the keys because they are now, with all the hover dropping that shadow/glow on the keys. The thing I am going to try improving concerning the artwork, will often be the black secrets – make these 3d.
Spasibo for the support
I liked the purple-ish inner glow too. Plus yes, the black keys would be the main thing to be effective on.
CSS can accomplish almost precisely what flash can can… and it doesn’t require a user to install everything to view it….
http: //www. cssplay. co. uk/menus/
The one reason I speak about STU NICHOLLS internet site ( I have no idea him personally but Relating to been following his work for years and have learned a lot from his operate )… he probably has one of several largest repositories associated with css samples a single place that I’ve seen.
Examine what Webzarus only posted.
Examine it again.
Know it.
Appreciate it.
Agree to it as a person’s gospel.
Just for this man hath spoken the good word, and your dog hath delivered a message worth examining.
Stu Nicholls has loads of good tutorials that way which they can use as a jumping-off issue (he never quite has the total answer, but enough every single child extract the answer you desire from it… that’s all you will expect from a web-based tutorial anyway).
online world. tizag. com is usually a great source.
At times, www. positioniseverything. net comes in handy.
And then for the Flash-style effects minus the Flash… get yo’ azz a few jQuery.
Flash is just useful for Vimeo videos of hockey arguements from England and poorly-drawn animations such as ones Group BACK BUTTON does.
These… watch a hockey fight now. This brawl is definitely freakin’ AWESOME, and the British isles commentator guys simply put it extraordinary.
examine it.
knowledgeable it.
supportive it.
acknowledged it as the gospel.
regards guys for your advice and also the links to resources. checked them out. pretty helpful products.
really appreciate it!
btw… precisely why dont you men vote
Simply because my vote won’t count.
In which, and since most of us gave you a different alternative (or number of them), there’s whilst in vote.