I’ve been trying to be able to reproduce this slider to get my school job since almost 3 weeks now and I just now could not locate it. the link for your page is http: //cms. template-help. com/magento_32726/. I believe that it is a JQuery slider yet I need the identical slider which I could not locate. WE tried viewing this source but for a second time no luck. hope you guys might help me here.
< script type=" text/javascript" src=" URLhttp: //cms. template-help. com/magento_32726/skin/frontend/default/theme201/js/slider. js" > < /script/URL> < script type=" text/javascript" > jQuery(window). bind('load', function() jQuery(). prepare_slider(); jQuery(). intro(); var is_ie = fake; if(navigator. userAgent. indexOf('IE 7')! =-1 navigator. userAgent. indexOf('IE 8')! =-1) is_ie = real; jQuery(" #slider_list a" ). click(function() var Method = jQuery(this). find('img'). attr(" src" ). replace(new RegExp(". jpg" ), " -big. png" ); var number = parseInt(jQuery(this). attr(" class" ). replace(new RegExp(" product-image item-" ), " " )); jQuery(". home-slider. products-content" ). each(function() jQuery(this). fadeOut('slow'); ); if(is_ie == true) jQuery(" #largeImg" ). attr( src: Path); jQuery(". home-slider. products-content. item-" + number). delay(1000). fadeIn('slow'); otherwise jQuery(" #largeImg" ). fadeOut('slow', function() jQuery(this). attr( src: Path). fadeIn('slow'); jQuery(". home-slider. products-content. item-" + number). fadeIn('slow'); ); ); ); < /script>
That’s this part that may the slider.