i’m sure the title makes out as only cant get this simplist of what you should work but i’m less than that bad. thus i guess my partner and i should give a few background info the following,
I created a good image in photoshop of how i desired the webpage to check and exported this into fireworks in which i sliced the particular image up into regions i desired for each graphic and exported individuals images into dreamweaver to be a single. htm page (it created every one of the seperate images far too but i suppose you guys did this 1000 times).
so the web site layout looks good everything is where its said to be i saved that page as a. dwt template file after which you can though ohhh yeah i want to add a good editable region for the content area so i can create text/images ect
so i click the image within dreamweavers design watch and insert a great editable region which will shifts every image away from place and the particular editable region is the completely wrong place.
so i’m simply just wondering if any person here could instruction me through getting this to figure as the site is for my wife if it absolutely was for me i would have probably assigned up and started off using blogger as well as google pages right now.
i’ve attached the code for that site (hope thats ok) ive highlighted the neighborhood i need this editable region.
thanks before hand guys and i hope somebody can help me on this.
<! DOCTYPE web coding PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD XHTML JUST ONE. 0 Transitional//EN"
" http: //www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd" >
<! — unspent from url=(0014)about: world-wide-web –>
< web coding xmlns=" http: //www. w3. org/1999/xhtml" >
< head>
<! — TemplateBeginEditable name=" doctitle" –>
< title> template01. png< /title>
<! — TemplateEndEditable –>
< meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content=" text/html; charset=utf-8" />
< model type=" text/css" > td img display: block; < /style>
<! –Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target. Created Fri Aug 30 22: 13: 20 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) 2010–>
<! — TemplateBeginEditable name=" head" –>
<! — TemplateEndEditable –>
< /head>
< human body bgcolor=" #ffffff" >
< family table border=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" cellspacing=" 0" width=" 1280" >
<! — fwtable fwsrc=" template01. png" fwpage=" Web site 1" fwbase=" template01. png" fwstyle=" Dreamweaver" fwdocid = " 464713400" fwnested=" 0" –>
< tr>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 34" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 176" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 30" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 791" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 23" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 226" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 1" height=" 1" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td colspan=" 6" > < img name=" Header" src=".. /images/Header. png" width=" 1280" height=" 144" border=" 0" id=" Header" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 1" height=" 144" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td rowspan=" 11" > < img name=" boarder1" src=".. /images/boarder1. png" width=" 34" height=" 624" border=" 0" id=" boarder1" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < your href=".. /images/index. html" > < img name=" home" src=".. /images/home. png" width=" 176" height=" 56" border=" 0" id=" home" alt=" " /> < /a> < /td>
< td rowspan=" 11" > < img name=" boarder2" src=".. /images/boarder2. png" width=" 30" height=" 624" border=" 0" id=" boarder2" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td rowspan=" 11" > < img name=" content" src=".. /images/content. png" width=" 791" height=" 624" border=" 0" id=" content" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td rowspan=" 11" > < img name=" boarder3" src=".. /images/boarder3. png" width=" 23" height=" 624" border=" 0" id=" boarder3" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td rowspan=" 11" > < img name=" imagebox" src=".. /images/imagebox. png" width=" 226" height=" 624" border=" 0" id=" imagebox" alt=" " /> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 1" height=" 56" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td> < your href=".. /images/products. html" > < img name=" products" src=".. /images/products. png" width=" 176" height=" 62" border=" 0" id=" products" alt=" " /> < /a> < /td>
< td> < img src=".. /images/spacer. gif" width=" 1" height=" 62" border=" 0" alt=" " /> < /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td> < your href=".. /images/fabrics. html" > < img name=" fabrics" src=".. /images/fabrics. png" width=" 176" height=" 55" border=" 0" id=" fabri