So it is suggested that we now have a live conversation here, but for numerous reasons, that doesn’t look like a go.
I suggest that those of us who want to chat can publish our Messenger ID’s here and then folks can employ that venue if they want.
As you have the selection of accepting consumers as contacts, that is going to work.
Now i am webriderlive. ca
My organization is leenkzdotcomhotmail. com
Which in turn messenger though
Remember that by posting ones email address right here you’re giving that away to web bots who’ll spam you.
There’s no doubt that she meant DWELL, or windows messenger, anything they call it now.
I thought about that, but that one is an contact I dont work with, I just obtained it for applying Windows Messenger.
By the way I can additionally be found with Yahoo Messenger customer " leenkzMike", and gtalk as well as whatever google phone calls their thinggy there My organization is leenkzgmail. com
In case someone wants to help shoot the crap!
Live Messenger – I bought into it when my daughter travelled away to college and we could chat rather than talking on the phone long distance.
As for the bots – I use that e-mail only for Messenger.
dolidze94live. com
dolidze94gmail. com
now i am so super resourceful with my usernames.