Custom 404 Error Page

I would really prefer to add a new custom 404 error page to a website I’m working away at.

This website is going to be added to my own school’s website consequently, as far as I’m sure, I can’t just develop a. htaccess file to make the 404 redirect page given it would affect the complete school website.

Is there ways to make the website redirect with a certain page if there is an error not having editing a. htaccess file

I was thinking of some type of php redirect script, but I’m unclear what would function.


That’s typically a server setting. Depending on ones host or that server platform, it is possible to redirect it with a specific page that you create, and subsequently point the 404 problem to it. Some ISPs have this into their settings as an option on their deal with panels. If you do not have access to these kinds of settings, you’ll have to create the site. Then contact the server admin as well as the them the full path on the page.

If you are using any kind connected with scripting language on the site, you probably wish to create a custom 500 error page as well. I’ve created several gradually that call any mail script each time a 500 error comes about, then it messages me the error so We can investigation and deal with the error before a lot of people experience it.

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