Dented Confidence. Client put my work down :(

I started employment for a client a few hours ago. We gave me ZERO details but mentioned he want’s a new looking theme, regarding gardening. So, I put this together the theory below, at this cycle it’s clear it’s work in progress and there was plenty to do. I detailed the plans with the header to then add activity garden elements and many others.

: http: //i43. tinypic. com/6oiyok. jpg
: http: //i39. tinypic. com/34pkmlk. png

The response shocked me.

He basically said the design was s**t (he actually said that). He said he’s experience selling websites knowning that blue and green how I’ve used them should not go together. And went onto say various other stuff that he obviously had very little idea about.

In that case he said " This site is much much better: http: //www. landscapia. net/index. htm".

Today, I’ve worked with clients many times. I understand our own ideas conflict and I’m employed to tearing up models and starting unique. But, I’ve never have a client this thinks he knows above me, and then functions verbally abusive language to place my work along.

An effective explanation from him can be " Sorry, it is not we’re looking to get. Can you want to do something like this".

He’s now gone off to look for a new developer.

Nicely, I wish your ex luck. I was doing the whole design and WP coding regarding 150 as it is a friend of a friend. Let’s see him get a designer that is going to do it for this price.

Anyone worked with similar people

Ps. My own first post, as I misplaced my user details from after i was regged this past year.

And I’d personally say good riddance. God help this designer that results working with your ex boyfriend. Brush it off and get over it. It really isn’t worth some time you’re spending being frustrated over it. Think about it by doing this: you were clearly carrying this out at a lowered rate. Now you’re freed up to get another purchaser at full charge. That’s money in your pocket.

In terms of the design, he’s clearly retarded. It’s a nice, clean, pointed design with sturdy graphics. Personally, I’d personally lighten the glowing blue a shade or 2, but it looks great like it is actually.

It can be helped if he had sketched something in writing of what he wanted,
although he can’t attract well… you can be been given a preview on the system needed.
Though he was totally out of line, you should make certain next time you have the clients
as a minimum put some pencil marks in writing describing the website they envision.

You’ll now remember to not ever accept jobs until the clients take a dash of ownership in this.

Thank you with the replies. Some valid things noted for next time out goes one, throughout comes another consumer.

Client’s a new moron. That style and design is freakin’ hot. That’s why he is doing landscape operate. F- him.

PS – LOL the irony of the tag line.

Gives thanks Smoseley. And avoid, I couldn’t help laugh myself.

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