I need to edit files on considered one of our dedicated Reddish colored Hat Enterprise Linux hosting space. I have basic access, but I don’t like the thought of running commands because root unless vital.
Your webroot has files as owned through Apache. I’m not really Apache; I have my very own account that has become a member associated with wheel. How am i allowed to configure either my account or the actual files so I could edit them without undergoing it as root and also chmod’ing them that they are world-writable
I take it that you’re running a text editor on the command line, just like vim
Add yourself towards the apache group.
Make each of the directories of the web (/var/www/html maybe) to ensure group has permission to write.
Specify running commands as root’. This is basically exactly the problem sudo has been designed to care for. Single-shot command operate with root permissions. Or else, you can, when suggested, add yourself towards the group(s) that own(s) your files, or chown your files to remain in a group you owned by (e. g., wheel). The latter could have strange consequences, just like PHP file uploads dissapointing because PHP isn’t going to have permissions to write to your directory.
Ancient thread bump.
The situation is reappearing, like. I’m on Ubuntu Equipment. The file I’d prefer to edit is owned by the user " www-data" along with the group " www-data". I’d prefer to edit the item in vim, consequently I run the item (without using sudo). Them says the record is read-only. I tried adding myself towards the www-data group (sudo gpasswd -a username www-data) and no difference. I tried out making the archive 664 (group in addition to owner read/write, worldwide read).
Consequently ideas
BTW, this file is in fact living on a further Ubuntu computer having ext4, and it’s mounted on the server by using smbfs. Am I screwed because Samba while in the computer sharing the file isn’t while using right permissions at its end
Fifth, all desired commands do work basically run them since root (using sudo).
Consequently, it’s possible of which it’s Samba, but here are a few double-checking questions:
(a) Did an individual log out and in after the team change
(b) Does the file have write permissions for the group
(c) To get tried doing: w! (to induce the write)
Yes to any or all.
The strangest aspect on this is that the idea works as root. I confess I’m confused what’s going on, sorry: -/
That is certainly user accounts and groups that happen to be allowed to acces several points, if they may not be registered with the administrator they just do not have acces, they help names and passports.
My organization is the administrator. We’re preaching about Linux file methods.