This can be a new approach for the problem I produced another thread regarding. But I didn’t prefer to shift directions inside the other thread along with confuse everyone, so I created a different thread.
I’m trying to embed this rss:
http: //output49. rssinclude. com/outputtype=php& id=13400& hash=4e6bf13f223fa34f9754f717deaff335
in to a flash site. It is a flash site which calls to a good. xml file which contains the text for that flash site… WE tried using:
< object width=" 700" height=" 700" >
< param name=" movie" value=" http: //output49. rssinclude. com/outputtype=php& id=13400& hash=4e6bf13f223fa34f9754f717deaff335" >
< embed src=" http: //output49. rssinclude. com/outputtype=php& id=13400& hash=4e6bf13f223fa34f9754f717deaff335" width=" 700" height=" 700" >
< /embed>
< /object>
In order to embed the give food to but, while the rest of the flash site lots fine, the portion the location where the rss feed is actually inserted just continues saying " launching… "
I don’t possess a flash editor application to edit the particular flash itself and would prefer to do this without a flash editor basically could… I feel I’m approximately making this work and maybe I’m just with all the wrong embed rules… Any help could be great. Thank everyone!
p. utes. and sorry regarding abandoning my other thread. I may go back to it if this specific direction proves a bad one.
Use ActionScript. Use the URLRequest and URLLoader classes to connect to the Feed, then parse the actual result using the XML training.
I’ve for no reason done that prior to. How much of the learning curve will there be as I’m confined to somewhat of a friend’s time mode.