When will i search a database one example is, if someone applies in " shed foot", it would go back any instance belonging to the word foot considering the word loose. When they search loose feet, and foot loose is the database, may well show up within the search.
Exactly where Field like ”%foot%’ and Field Like ‘%loose%’
The exact formatting within your where clause would depend your database, but this provides you with the general concept. You’d have to split your query having a server-side programming dialect, or in possible of SQL Server the easily available Split function, however it will work.
I am just using php & MySQL
I wouldn’t really be capable of help you rather than in concept, and then. You’d have to look for a PHP split function most likely and then file format your query keeping that in mind for MySQL.
Ideally you’d use like a Lucene index for this kind of thing. However as TheGAME1264 suggests you possibly can perform searches similar to this with MySQL. Though this will have to match every word
Something like this would work: (Not completely tested)
Just put in a query stringed like s=this+is+a+test towards the page
< php
Example Class to create loose keyword style
searched with MySQL.
class Keyword_Search_Model
private $fieldName;
private $tableName;
private $queryConditions;
public function
$this-> search = $this-> findSearchTerms();
private function
if (isset($this-> fieldName) & & $this-> fieldName ! = NULL)
$query_words = explode(" ", $this-> search); //Explode into array by space
$array_length = count($query_words); //Get count of array
$condition = "WHERE ". $this-> fieldName. " LIKE ";
$i = 0;
foreach($query_words as $word)
$condition . = "'%". $word. "%' ";
if($array_length ! = ($i + 1)) //If it's not the last iteration of the array
$condition. = "AND ". $this-> fieldName. " LIKE ";
$this-> queryConditions = $condition;
throw new
Exception('Field Name Not Arranged. ');
private function
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