I have two questions.
I’ve started taking care of a website and I became wondering if there’s how to make a template from the page so which the only content of which changes is in the centre. The other question is the header/title on the particular page. The lettering is extremely pixelated on your edges and I tough to rectify in which. Any help is appreciated. The site in question is located here. TIA
I’ve tried together Photoshop CS3 plus Inkscape for creating the text logo for the top.
< some sort of href=’whatever. compage=page_1′> Whatever< /a>
the page=_1 may be the part we will discuss for this. the whatever parts are determined by you url as well as the text you want show for that link.
page= is how we are going to initiate the html code $_GET so we can get our varied.
then for the top of your page you put this
< php $page = $_GET’page’; >
the $page now offer the information following the page= from the link, in this example it was before page_1.
then while in the center column div everyone place this as well as only this
< php
in case (! isset($_GET’page’)) include(" default. html" );
different include(" path_to_file/$page. html" );
the path_to_file you must edit to your personal server path facts. and now the $page the truth is in the include will be name of the. html file as a result $page. html
and default may be the file of the home page content. make sure to make your house link just the url towards your site without the variable of your tutorial, just a typical link to your internet site. the parts of this to google for even more info are while follows in keyword and key phrase form.
php if
php include
php variable
code $_GET
Thanks a ton for your reply. Before I " try" that will implement this, We’ve another question.
Will it be necessary that this server has the php capability, or does it just need to do with my html document
I you’re preaching about your webhost host, it probably already has PHP ready-to-go.
Confused mlseim. I’d need to check. Last time frame I talked for you to them, they were applying MS Frontpage and definitely not allowing for sources, as I was seeking to put up your WordPress page they usually couldn’t/wouldn’t do it a result of database feature. You want to and am going to change hosts soon. Looking for that at the same time. Any ideas delightful. Been with these folks so long (1998), don’t know what else is offered, but looking.
precisely what i gave everyone requires no db. also i forgot to mention the index. html will surely have to be changed for you to index. php not any worries it will not effect anything, just allow the php to own.
O. K. Thanks Dorky. I’ll work towards this for future couple days and also see what POST get. I’ll post back here next time i screw it upward.
lol. alright cool.
TO. K. I screwed the idea up big moment. Had to remove my page as well as start from damage. Fortunately, I stored a copy.
Some questions:
1. I assume the following tag (< php $page = $_GET’page’; > )
goes in " index. html" but that which is it’s proper position below or earlier mentioned < body>…. under or above < head>…. clueless in this article.
2. In reference in order to:
< php
in case (! isset($_GET’page’)) include(" default. html" );
different include(" path_to_file/$page. html" );
can i assume this gets into the style. css archive, or does it can start index. html.
I’d send you a check out the screw upward, but you’ld probably just have a " 404" or even something equally low revealing.
Thanks for the help,
this goes for the very top from the index. php before whatever else.
this goes in the index. php inside the div you intend to change dynamically. it really should be the only idea between the div tags use.
dont overlook the link composition i gave a person.
< php $page = $_GET’page’; >
< html>
< head>
< /head>
< body>
< div>
< php
in case (! isset($_GET’page’)) include(" default. html" );
different include(" path_to_file/$page. html" );
< /div>
< /body>
< /html>
< some sort of href=’whatever. compage=page_1‘> Whatever< /a>
the green part is the name of that file containing the content that should be included in the div minus this file extension. html on this case
include(" path_to_file/$page. html" )
the orange part may be the information gathered from the script placed at the top of a person’s index. php
the blue part may be the path to the