I need your ideas for a layout please

howdy, new to that forum, poked around a little but didn’t genuinely see what I used to be looking for taken care of. I manage several websites, but I undertake it part time, I spend more of my time frame repairing computers, pictures, etc, not graphic design or webdesign. Though I’m acquainted with code, and photoshop/graphic pattern I don’t undertake it enough to elevate this one site to how much it needs to be at. jagoutlet. com is a leader in sales connected with used/new Jaguar elements, mostly to a mature demographic.

We are expanding what we want on the webpage, and would love to completely re-due coursesmart and make the item uhhh…. look better. To be trustworthy out budget is quite limited, so paying a high end company to create the site is unthinkable. What I ended up being looking for is a great business template Possible build off with even if we will need to pay for it.

I know that is the bit of your loaded questions, but what companies/sites would you recommend that would be easy to fill content with, be expandable, able to hold CSS value etc. Would be incredibly professional looking and perhaps a little flashy and not too flashy, or with an excess of flash……

Coursesmart is mostly copy and product images, a form snail mail, links, and any monthly newletter

any input would aid.

Many thanks. Joey

Set up some sort of WordPress site and discover a free template or purchase a template that is in close proximity to what you are looking at. Then tweak it to suit your needs. themeforest. net has plenty of great templates to consider.

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