I want a sincere opinion

Good day everybody.
What i wish to know is just an effective and realistic viewpoint.
I simply got a job offer to try and do a web-site… to become exact… The Unusual Ministry web-site… from the country.
We are a begginer around webpage design… and havent been linked to a big challenge.
We are supposed to commence the project in september or oct…. I want to recognise how much moment does it choose to use make a web-site very much alike this:
http: //www. mae. ro/
Can we really learn in 3 OR MORE moths all it will require to complete a real task
Your client requiers it for being slightly better versus the one listed preceding… and have protection.
As i said we are a begginer…
We are student at the actual electronics and telecomunications school… and i do know for sure some medium programming in C terminology. I haven’t been working together with databases.
Therefore… this what i’m asking… can this be done…
What does a website such as this supposed to contain
I highly recommend you…. be as honest so when frank as achievable. I do can do this right… if it could be done by me.
Many thanks!

yes. locations thoughts
your could employ a cms nevertheless beware the cost to do business from extra code on a site of of which scale a cms can bog it affordable with unused program code. but this site looks very cms.

if you decide to one up the previous design you will be able to pick it way up pretty quick when you have c experience. it looks such as this site is php driven and i’m sure php is similar to c. also you need to learn css along with maybe javascript although i dont find anything that absolutelly must be done in javascript. to ensure the list bellow would be the codes i feel can be needed to carry out this


most of sometimes it is done with a cms and also a little custom codeing. but like when i said beware from the overhead. i am commonly oposed to cms work but should you be on a short time line use the idea. if you have time to work then code this yourself. it will go quite a distance towards your reputation to try and do it custom. html and css are way easy consequently get them remote first going as a way of learning, ONE. HTML 2. CSS THREE. PHP. im a new noob too, but css and also html took my family less then per month each to grasp. php is noticeably harder.

If you find one thing we have learnt then it is to not carry out a project which you now know you can’t do. It will only present you with headaches and stress because client will seek out results and commonly some custom design that will take any beginner lengthy to do.
Rather ask an expert do work on hand on the challenge, which will enable you he probability to even learn to become a thing or two.

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