Hi all,
I’m no newbie on the subject of web stuff, Formerly suffering with tinnitus active in the net world for about Three years now. That staying said, I EVEN NOW struggle with design and style.
I am taking care of a mock-up for the potential client and I just now feel like there’s something that I’m not getting. I want your website to follow the present trends and, throughout my eyes, it is just not presently there.
So here’s a pic of what I have so far. Any constructive criticism can be much appreciated.
As well, I don’t have got a legit copy of the logo yet, that is why that looks thus crummy.
I think we need to see your site " for real". To us it looks FINE. But how it
appearance full-size, and how it resizes are going to be something we need to see. Also,
the opposite pages would be nice to see.
The opposite focus will be within the " back-end" scripting. Utilizing PHP, Google Routes V3 API,
and other dynamic features. The particular " building" photo gallery are going to be important also.
Give us a url to the real site.
This is merely what I possess in Photoshop, I haven’t nevertheless started to change it into HTML and CSS. It’s going upon WordPress and my own partner has the actual handle on the entire back-end things.
My issue is always that whenever I make an effort to design something and follow current web trends, I look my design just simply looks pretentious.
I do think it looks fine, but how it is put together and also rendered with Squidoo…
the whole thing could change. So, obtain it online and subsequently re-ask the dilemma.
http: //sixrevisions. com/tutorials/p… a-clean-web-20-style-web-design-in-photoshop/
Thanks for all your input! I reckon that article is really visiting help me obtain my website looking how I want them. Also, I simply just joined this forum today, glad I did!
Excellent resource, Smoseley! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been looking for something like this kind of that is simple to use and understand. Especially on the subject of code validation.