Can anyone tell me why clicking the wheelchair image in the top right with qwebsites. co. uk/firststop4 (sorry I haven’t managed to get a link since I don’t want Google to listing a draft site) will not take you on the wheelchair page if viewed in Firefox but Will perform so when looked at in IE
Have spent several hours trying different ways of doing this kind of (tried enclosing inside a div plus tested out css menu plus another menu package) but it throws a wobbly each time. For some rationale, doubleclicking this wheelchair pic highlights market car pic further down the screen – again only in Firefox.
That source code is definitely:
That CSS is:
Not being able to test it…
I would start by altering the Z-index and see when there is.
Also, define dimensions around class (sometimes FF needs to be given the size)…
Do that…
. wheelchair
place: absolute;
top rated: 4px;
still left: 796px;
width: 150px;
height: 52px;
boundary: 0px, 0px, 0px, 0px;
z-index: 9;
I am wondering if FF is definitely seeing the image " behind" instead of " in front".
Also, I’m never the fan of utter (or relative) setting.
This opens the door to many people browser compatibility challenges.
Not that it is a problem available for you, but it is usually.
Many thanks Miseim – yet am afraid this particular makes no distinction. Does anyone other than them have any tricks to me the code SHOULD work because it’s code I’ve used in other websites…
Did you aim to opne this hyperlink in every other browsers Does the idea work correctly there
Try this and see when there is…
. wheelchair
size: 150px;
height: 52px;
boundary: 0px, 0px, 0px, 0px;
z-index: 9;
It will eventually appear in a bad place (because of positioning),
but this will likely determine if setting is causing the issue.
fundamentally, you have to help keep trying different elements.
even to the point of eliminating content until the problem shows itself.
An easy fix will be to just wrap it in a div with that positioning then develop a tag and also img tag ordinarily, without a category.
Quick fix would be to change your z-index for you to 100. That will get rid of it.
Nice you Red!
I don’t believe a z-index will certainly fix this with firefox. I think it is an HTML copy issue…
Perhaps you have tried positioning a person’s " gallerycontainer" class beyond your " gallerysection" school, or writing a person’s img tag before the " gallerycontainer" div It seems to me put on be causing the problem. It would take some realignment but it appears to be rendering the " gallerycontainer" div over top of one’s link. Perhaps because of the order in which its executing the code
Expect it helps…
Changing the Z-Index in order to 100 works like a champ. This is a quick fix yet I agree it should be designed in some other manner.
Because others have brought up, absolute positioning might cause major headaches in time when considering cross browser compatibility.
Many thanks all – once i changted z-index to help 50 it did wonders (z-index 9 didn’t).
Sorry it’s taken too long to reply : another deadline and also a holiday intervened.
If it helps I used to be having this very same issue and just simply set my z-index to 100… solved the item. Now I can proceed to other stool.