Fascinating data
Today I was just carrying out some key terms stuff and noticed this.
As a lot of our users are domainers here they’ll love this.
Search serp query files per day
404free area name
266free domain
178free website names
109free domains
70free area registration
46free online domain
So some people looking without cost domains
So your current saying merely about your 1000 searches daily are done totally free domains.
I honestly would have thought it’d be a good deal higher.Before I found Namepros I was searching without cost domains forever.When Used to do search on search engines like google I’d try a number of different seek queries, consequently really thats merely 200 or 300 persons searching seriously.I dont thnk that is certainly that many.
There aren’t that a great many free domains though
I obtain the domains I’ve bought along with NP$ being free (Since all my NP$ are already earnt and also are out of providing services).I possess 26 analysts currently.
h ehehe Acquired it.Like that every dollar Relating to ever acquired is free of charge though Simply because I started off with 0.