I am not being taken *sniffles* GAME, ‘M, GEORGE!! This implies youu!!! mohahahaha!
Just feeling single that I’m not allowed in your clan
Anyone would like to follow me feel free to undertake so. I will not bite.
I will should follow you just to watch your language : " Followage" Yikes!
hey it got your attention Now to receive games and georges ‘
If you want Game’s attention, start spouting baloney related to link farms assisting your SEO, or how open source will take over the world, or – no, wait, that’s visiting be the wrong form of attention!
hahaha! this individual loves that kind of thing then < lol>
I don’t know why I didn’t up so far.
Cos ya didn’t think I used to be worth it…. i understand your sort *squinty eyed look* < lol>
Oh dear, you’ve been far more useful than I am here
Truly How so
Fixing CSS I’m too lazy to check out
Oh which time you essentially made my site.
HAHA! Ahhh nevertheless , you have the skill of knowing about a fantastic color scheme pertaining to websites.. I lack that for some reason…
I have lucky with hues, but shhh Consider the good give myself the following:
This specific thread made me lol
Made you do what
loll. Such as loiter aimlessly
Ive only reread that…. I realise you meant you lol’d as there seems to be no comma after me…. *slaps forehead*
Those colors in that , medal are junk…. you cant often be THAT good jk
That’s cause they weren’t made by me, bud
Good comeback. I hope you’ve got an unlimited sending text messages plan George.
Lol yes.. about that..