Hello there, I need to chose a suitable charactor encoding POST think
This doc type is usually:
this doc type is usually: <! DOCTYPE web coding PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD XHTML JUST ONE. 0 Strict//EN" " http: //www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict. dtd" >
I will be placing stings into a mysql database…
So need a function in making them safe versus insertion attack…
Along with a function to get them returning…
Obviously they have to display correctly for any defined doctype and encoding…
I have attempted several different approaches progressively… with varying achievement…
Might somone give me a definitive answer: knockedout:
Thanks -Hagen
Books are using MySQL I am guessing you’re employing PHP. there are numerous different encrytions you should use in PHP.
Extra common ones usually are md5 and sha1
PHP: md5 – Manual
PHP: sha1 – Manual
Whenever you start using a character set you should chose the encoding or no less than be a little aware of the standard…
There are many diferent standards that him and i can use when we finally design our webpages…
Look at w3C guide at choosing the chracter encoding on your HTML
WEB CODING Document Representation
NB MD5 is not really a encoding it is really encryption…