Howdy, i’m new right here!
at present my site can be using these colours, but they are generally off… hard for you to describe exactly, but i feel like they tend to be off.
My site can be design revolves throughout the colors: grey, dark-colored, and white.
attached are some snips in the actual site.
does anyone have got any advice on what colors i should use with the header, secondary header and footer that could look great together
Thanks considerably guys!
VV header
< < toolbar
< < footer
The trend is to just give us a url to your site
Those snippets connected with images do nothing for me.
What he said…
I am a fan regarding grayscale designs, but on some sites ( determined by context ), this doesn’t happen work…
Colors and by using colors ( and whitespace ), are completely dependent on what the site is around and the articles.
You wouldn’t to design a site in relation to rainbows using these types of colors… Unless you used to be explaining light fracturing and the many techincal aspects associated with color spectrums…
Only my 2 cents worth
http: //kuler. adobe. com/.