Greetings, my problem is when a different ‘div’ tag shunts a pre-existing one further listed below, only the outdated div’s content goes – the div itself stays from the same place. This is a picture of an illustration:
http: //i303. photobucket. com/albums/nn134/mr-skill/Picture22. png
The chief box with the actual semi-opaque black background can be a div called ‘gallery’. I’ve truly inserted a navbar over this in it truly is own div, visible dimly behind the top part of ‘gallery’.
The navbar has shunted the particular content of ‘gallery’ (6 photographs with captions) downwards, whilst ‘gallery’ alone has stayed set up. How do you ensure that a div + its content will conduct themselves ‘as one’ Support much appreciated, thank you.
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML ONE. 0 Transitional//EN" "http: //www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd">
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< title> Untitled Document< /title>
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< style type="text/css">
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. mugshots
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width: 112px;
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This entry was posted in Web Design and tagged Background Color, Black Background, Captions, Charset, Content Type, Div Tag, Doctype, Html Nbsp, Lt, Moz, Mugshots, Navbar, Nbsp Html, Padding, Png, Shunts, Stylesheet, Text Html, Transitional Dtd, Xmlns. Bookmark the permalink.