I’ve seen this using a few different sites now but not sure how to do it. I would indulge to integrate it on my web site. An example of what I will be looking for is usually on www. brewertonspeedway. com (where the actual image and text rotates but also permits you to click to numerous pages).
Thanks in advance
They are choosing Javascripting…
In case you view a website and use your browser to determine the HTML program code by clicking
within the menu bar… " View", then mouse down to " Source" or perhaps " HTML Code".
This can be a link to the script they are using:
http: //www. gypsumexpress. com/shared/js/glider. js
They actually link to a script on someone else’s website (not a good thing to do).
It’s relying on the " scriptaculous" stockpile of JS data.
Scriptaculous is free to use. http: //script. aculo. us/
So that’s how they are doing it.
If you don’t have a lot connected with scripting skills, you can hire a freelancer to be of assistance.
They’re going to do the same task I did… perspective the HTML supply and duplicate that methods
that they used. All with the scripts are free to make use of.
jQuery is amazing in this sort of matter (as well while everything else). Take your pick for a plugin, with 100 % instructions:
http: //speckyboy. com/2009/06/03/15-amazing-jquery-image-galleryslideshow-plugins-and-tutorials/
more jquery samples here
http: //javabyexample. wisdomplug. com… liders-slideshow-galleries-and-scrollers. html.