OBJECT and EMBED – Close close… please

Hi All,

First time at here but I’ve hit a little a stumbling block using the following website: http: //www. oddball-links. com/Games. php5

Everything works good in Firefox (as usual) but the problem is together with IE (even IE8). If you view source you will see that I am beginning and closing the many sections and links which includes a display: none/display: block toggle. In IE this does not close the games when toggled for you to display: none, instead it conceals them but leaves them running within the background (sound might be heard and the state is a same on reopening).

Can there be a way associated with fixing this brief of forcing your page refresh I would prefer to leave whatever the consumer has open, wide open. A page rekindle kills the lot.

I think what I might like to do is close/reset stuff by ID, but due to the way my repository is built it may even be easier merely can just kill the many objects on the page along at the click of this minimize button. Any solution can be much appreciated.

Identical question as over for embed tags

As well, if your about there, I would enjoy any suggestions for your web design Viral marketing section (or another but seems much like the place to ask for that)

If you reset the movie param with a Flash object, that were designed to force it to reload in IE. The opposite option is for you to wrap the object within a div and just simply delete teh contents in the div to help to make the Flash video clip disappear.

Thanks for your suggestions,
Rather than sure how I can delete div proverbial box contents. Wont this leave the online games unusable until any page reset
Resetting the movie param feels like a fix, the sole trouble is, this may require me to be aware of the object name, because it will be DB driven, I have people pasting that object/embed code right link field, i dont wish them to have to pick out the object id and put it within a separate field. Is there a method to reset all movie params within the page

I have not done this specific before but seeking through google, the particular movie param simply just contains the WEB ADDRESS, is this what I’d prefer to reset, actually I cant see why they’re not already wanting to load up from the background. Thanks for your attempts to help me with this mess.

I assume it is a job for JS, My business is currently learning nonetheless still a noob, so any code help are going to be appreciated.

Factors sample of the actual code being generated for starterst game:

< div id=" contentbox" >

< div id=" stub110" class=" stub" style=" showcase: block; " >

< div class=" stubimg" style=" bigger: 6%; float: quit; padding-right: 5px; " > < img src=" IMG/logo/Bloons_Tower_Defense_4-big. jpg" height=" 30px" width=" 100%" /> < /div>

< div class=" stubname" > Bloons System Defence< /div>

< div class=" stubtype" > Strategy< /div>

< div class=" stubrating" > < img src=" IMG/3stubstar. gif" style=" elevation: 30px; width: 100%; " /> < /div>

< div class=" stubvisit" >

< a new href=" #" onclick=" toggle(‘stub110’); toggle(‘game110’); gain false; " onmouseout=" MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover=" MM_swapImage(‘play110’, ”, ‘IMG/play today on. gif’, 1)" > < img src=" IMG/play today. gif" alt=" Enjoy Now" name=" play" border=" 0" style=" bigger: 90%; height: 30px; " id=" play110" /> < /a> < /div>

< div class=" stubmore" style=" " > < a new href=" #" onmouseout=" MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover=" MM_swapImage(‘More110’, ”, ‘IMG/+on. gif’, 1)" onclick=" toggle(‘stub110’); toggle(‘exp110’); gain false; " > < img src=" IMG/+. gif" alt=" More" name=" More" width=" 30px" border=" 0" id=" More110" /> < /a> < /div>

< /div> <! — Finish stub –>

< div id=" exp110" class=" exp" style=" showcase: none; " >

< div class=" exptop" >

< div class=" expname" > Bloons System Defence< /div>

< div class=" exptype" > Strategy< /div>

< div class=" expless" > < a new href=" #" onmouseout=" MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover=" MM_swapImage(‘less110’, ”, ‘IMG/-on. gif’, 1)" onclick=" toggle(‘stub110’); toggle(‘exp110’); gain false; " > < img src=" IMG/-. gif" alt=" Less" name=" less" width=" 30px" border=" 0" id=" less110" /> < /a> < /div>

< /div>

< div class=" expmiddle" >

< div class=" expimage" > < img id=" logo" src=" IMG/logo/Bloons_Tower_Defense_4-big. jpg" style=" bigger: 100%; " /> < /div>

< div class=" expdesc" > < p> Get ready for an world famous battle against balloons< /p> < /div>

< /div>

< div class=" explower" >

< div class=" expleftcorner" > & nbsp; < /div>

< div class=" expstars" > < img src=" IMG/3 superstars. gif" style=" bigger: 100%" /> < /div>

< div class=" expvisit" > < a new href=" #" onclick=" toggle(‘exp110’); toggle(‘game110’); gain false; " onmouseout=" MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover=" MM_swapImage(‘playn110’, ”, ‘IMG/play today on. gif’, 1)" > < img src=" IMG/play today. gif" alt=" Enjoy Now" name=" playn" border=" 0" style=" bigger: 100%; height: 40px; " id=" playn110" /> < /a> < /div>

< /div> <! — Finish Lower run –>

< /div> <! — Finish Expanded div –>

< div id=" game110" class=" game" align=" center" style=" showcase: none; " >

< div class=" exptop" >

< div class=" expname" > Bloons System Defence< /div>

< div class=" exptype" > Strategy< /div>

< div class=" expless" > < a new href=" #" onmouseout=" MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover=" MM_swapImage(‘close110’, ”, ‘IMG/-on. gif’, 1)" onclick=" toggle(‘stub110’); toggle(‘game110’); gain false; " > < img src=" IMG/-. gif" alt=" close" name=" close" width=" 30px" border=" 0" id=" close110" /> < /a> < /div>

< /div>

< div class=" gameplay" style=" showcase: block; " > < thing classid=" clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http: //download. macromedia. com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash. cab#version=6, 0, 0, 0" width=" 640" height=" 640" id=" 872098477. swf" align=" center" > < param name=" movie" value=" http: //www. freegaming. de/components/flash/872098477. swf" /> < param name=" quality" value=" high" /> < param name=" bgcolor" value=" #e8ffff" /> < param name=" menu" value=" false" /> < embed src=" http: //www. freegaming. de/components/flash/872098477. swfaffiliate_id=941efa0f97e566c4" quality=" high" bgcolor=" #e8ffff" width=" 640" height=" 640" name=" 872098477. swf" menu=" false" type=" application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" http: //www. macromedia. com/go/getflashplayer" > < /embed> < /object> < /div>

< /div> <! — Finish Game div –>

< /div> <! — Finish contentbox –>

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