Test thread: HelperBot, reply! I need HTML help!

Simply just kidding. Made ya answer back! (testing) I found most of these threads that look for be similar to help yours. Do any analysts help Dr. HTML by zionlocke inside forum HTML along with CSS HTML: Frame Problems by Hobo in your forum Javascript and various Languages Check out this little html. Very cool by Belledandy inside forum Javascript and various Languages Can get my HTML furniture to render proper either. by Martin inside forum HTML plus CSS If they you should not a human will be along soon anyway to be of assistance more. With thanks, bud! It would be cool at this aspect if you might continue talking yet I’m no AI guru… Test I don’t see a bit yellow box. It’s only on making a thread, not replying. Great job there filbert1!

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Messed Up IE

Given that i re-installed world-wide-web explorer 6 it’s connected slowly to help sites on many occasions. What i did is reinstall it again understanding that didnt work and relating to downloaded nn7 which is alot faster. Will there be any settings in IE6 that might be causing that I found these types of threads that look to be similar for you to yours. Do any of these help New site design is getting messed in place when viewed in the high resolution by hybridgaming from the forum General Design If they do not a human will probably be along soon anyway to assist you more. I believe from the past threads I’ve witnessed from you that you are just hitting your time and energy for a reformat. Considering how IE is usually integrated with Home windows it’s hard to really do a thoroughly clean install of just it. Or unless you want to accomplish that (bad idea) consider http: //www. mozilla. org/ which has a browser more successful than IE in a great many ways. i totally gained my computer to be able to factory settings about a month ago, thats once the prob started developing, i will look at … Continue reading

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server ip?

Now i’m running apache TWO. 0 on my ocmputer at the moment… but when MY PARTNER AND I goto http: //iphere getting older work! am I doing somthing wrong PS it worked some days ago… Uncertain about 2. 0, although in 1. 3 OR MORE. 27 you won’t be able to use localhost as being the server name if you would like access the server outside your computer. Your firewall may be blocking port 80, too. Aspect note: 2. 0 can be notoriously unreliable along with PHP, even SEVERAL. 3. 0, and the PHP folks highly recommend using 1. 3 OR MORE. 27 with PHP. avoid yeah… but MY SPOUSE AND I run XP in addition to 2. 0 extends better with experience… and my router has a internal firewall… so I guess I’ll make sure to disable it….. gives thanks Where brand-new heard that A COUPLE OF. 0 runs much better in XP ONE PARTICULAR. 3. 27 runs perfectly fine with luck in 2000 as well as XP. WHEN I didn’t hear that I tried the idea I’m running COUPLE OF. 0 with php SEVERAL. 3. 0 and the Localhost works great… but I want people to access it… … Continue reading

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Need a beta tester for a set of functions

Code: Perform Build_GeneralOpt(DataVal, OptName, Bill, Size, OptionList) ‘OptionList is your doubly delimited string by using ‘ UseValue: ShownValue:, UseValue: ShownValue:,…. NO where: and, will be the delimiters. Note that each of the ‘ delimiters appear at the end of the delimited stringed, creating ‘ the impression of an empty field. That function will examine the ‘ final character because the Delimiter. You can use ANY single NO character. If DataVal = on the list of UseValues then most effective for you ‘ given the " selected" residence. If DataVal = " " then the primary ‘ element in the string will be used for the reason that Selected Value. Gray GeneralOpt, strTemp0 Gray Delim1, Delim2, SelectVal Gray intTemp0, intTemp1 Delim1=right(trim(OptionList), 2) Delim2=left(Delim1, 1) Delim1=right(Delim1, 1) SelectVal = DataVal in the event SelectVal=" " then SelectVal = trim(Retrieve(OptionList, Delim2, 1)) conclude if GeneralOpt=" " GeneralOpt=GeneralOpt & " < th> " & Bill & " < /th> < td> < Choose " GeneralOpt=GeneralOpt & " name=’" & OptName & " ‘" GeneralOpt=GeneralOpt & " size=’" & Size & " ‘> " intTemp0 = ONE PARTICULAR strTemp0 = Retrieve(OptionList, Delim1, intTemp0) Even though intTemp0 strTemp1 = Retrieve(strTemp0, Delim2, 2) strTemp0 = Retrieve(strTemp0, Delim2, … Continue reading

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Pricing advice…

The amount of would you guys charge for a monthly webside-admin gig Now i’m having lunch having somebody tomorrow to determine about taking in the administration of his or her site, but I’m undecided how much to help charge monthly regarding it…. any ideas.

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Getting a copy from a website?

Does anyone be informed on a good bit of software, which lets me completely (including photos, js files, type files.. etc) repository (copy) a website Some websites MY PARTNER AND I see are valued at keeping a duplicate off, as Im afraid they’ll choose offline. As well, if possible, this system lets me set an individual agent (if necessary). Gives thanks! Use IE’s Preserve As, it can archive a full page and (not positive about IE for PC) approximately n link quantities deep. Beware though that will archiving levels connected with links uses an obscene amount of bandwidth for the webmaster plus some even block IE’s not online browsing feature as a result. OR! goto www. archive. org! they need over 100 TERRAbytes of info… they have archived sites by 1996! even my personal first website about homepage. com! Did a fast search on Search engines for site downloaders as well as first tool I came across was www. httrack. com Expectation this helps.

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A set of functions to do HTML stuff

MY PARTNER AND I found these functions that they are invaluable in Super fast design. All ones Return strings. The Build_*** characteristics build text and also option boxes which might be designed to be included in a table (they have the th and td requires built in), nonetheless if its possibly not between < table> in addition to < /table> instructions, it still operates. I’d appreciate in the event that someone could aim to break them.

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Server advice…

I am looking to change up the heat on the next version of my website, in addition to my current node is barely slicing the cheese. I want to build an innovative server that could handle the determined workload, but I dont really know just how far I will need to stretch my pocketbook. I plan to run Apache/PHP/CGI/Perl/MySQL and I want and therefore have it support AT THE LEAST 10 users at great speeds. Can anyone provide me server specs that could support what I would like Also, what kind involving connection speed vertical would be essential support this Thanks earlier for your aid.

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privacy policy

any free approaches to write my individual Ha Produce a page and write the points you want (I did this ) indeed, but this being for a business must be written professionally, i found someone to complete it for me personally, and im creating a lawyer check out the privacy protection plan and copyright statements to assure everything is officially ok… Simply do what MY PARTNER AND I always do. Get a well-written privacy policy on somebody else’s site and modify it towards your own needs. It’s not really plagiarizing providing you change the particular wording around and make sure it’s focused for a own site; if you’re going to get this done, however, make sure it’s not necessary to use the privacy policy of your competitor (this will help you modify more from the original one in case it matches, it’s a coincidence. ) http: //www. the-dma. org/library/privacy/creating. shtml#form i found that you create your individual… thx for the assistance tho i’m keen that script WHEN I also used your Privacy Policy Sorcerer for my level of privacy policy. The just one I used was from www. netprivacypower. org/policy/ though. It’s very fine.

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cookies or sessions, that is the question.

Only testing the robot. I found these types of threads that look to be similar for you to yours. Do any of these help another question by Eric in the forum PHP question by 410 in the forum HTML as well as CSS Question for everyone by phpLords. Com in the forum Other Queries and Forums Question by snakebite in the forum Other Requests and Forums If they do not a human will probably be along soon anyway to assist you more. it needs some refinement in respect of what keywords it picks from the subject to trust the search upon, but it guaranteed was quick hehehe It’s only competitive with the subject a person give it that was perfectly reasonable theme ummmmm….. is there much question.

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