Hello to all or any,
I joined this web site to get some necessary answers as my head is concerning to explode. I’d like to start a video sharing site. Sounds simple right Not so much. I would like the site to have a home page detailing what the site is centered on and a individual can simply subscribe, create there channel, build a user profile, add videos, pictures and blogs. Similar to a youtube channel but this is designed with a selected niche in mind. I started asking around and have been given several answers I don’t know how to handle it. I’ve had developers say it could be best for me make use of a script like clipshare, youtube duplicate, or rayzz. I’m not one particular people that think I can just throw something on the market and boom achievements. I understand that you just usually get what you have the funds for. With that being said I’ve been quoted up to 20k to generate such a site form scratch. We need some real solutions please. The bigger developers have said that if the website catches fire the amount of money I will need to be able to handle more videos are going to be out of this particular world. I understand that. But whats of which number. I just want to create a neat site. If it blasts fire and there’s a chance to actually make some funds that’s a plus. Any help will be greatly appreciated. My budget is definitely flexible meaning We’d spend thousands merely new it was worthwhile it. Thanks!!
Which kind of help Advice, or you need to hire a programmer that will uses this forum
I do believe what you’ve already been told is very good advice.
It’s actually a huge project, requires a large number of server storage/bandwidth, and will cost thousands.
I’m unclear what else to express.
Hey mlseim what I wish to know is what is the advantage of employing a programmer to build your website form scratch vs using among the list of scripts I posted above. If I can find clipshare or rayzz and possess a programmer help make changes as essential why have anyone build it via scratch I just want to know why the first is better then additional. How can WHEN I tell if my programmer isn’t using one of the scripts himself This is the reason it’s pretty tough to do. I think the idea is good but it really doesn’t mean crap with no proper set upward. As far for the reason that storage is worried would that become putting the kart prior to horse If your website doesn’t attract users then the many storage space on the planet won’t mean anything right What would be an ideal amount of storage be for a start up such since this Thanks with the response.