Hello there friends,
I will be new to this kind of web developing matter.. I am carrying out my RIA study course in chennai… This project title can be " Warehouse exec progression"…
Could anyone you need to suggest me a site model or web theme model…
Be grateful for you
Satish. ERSUS
I guess that we don’t know what therefore:
" Stockroom executive progression"
I assume it’s important to program something implementing PHP and MySQL
Maybe create a fake stockroom with goods, after which you can an inventory system
Summarize it more…
To start with thank u a lot for your answer back friend…
Without a doubt friend.. I want to do in PHP and also MYSQL with process,
Have a webhost accounts with PHP along with MySQL
What many about MySQL and also PHP
Brand new set up the actual MySQL database yet
Unsure where you’re starting up, and your foundation.
No sir.. I didnt own webhost.. I are a student.. Now only I will be learning PHP along with MYSQL.. This will be the project I should submit to absolve the course.. Thus please help my family sir.. I will need a template sir.. First I need to show the home-page with login related to this for authorization sir.. So pls assistance me sir…
Be grateful for u
This involves a new MySQL set-up more than one PHP scripts, as well as XHTML and CSS.
Fat loss just write it in some recoverable format without actually working… there are stuff to
application, test, troubleshoot, along with verify everything is effective.
There is not any way to discover PHP or MySQL with not a webhost or server.
Which means you are a student venturing into a programming class, and the institution does not
provide any route to use their hosting space or computers that will program with
How are we supposed to assist you to with this utilizing this forum
Here’s the finest help I can present you with:
http: //www. yahoo. com/#hl=en& source… & aqi=g5& aql=& oq=& gs_rfai=& fp=64619dc89fd6b4ce
Hello there sir
I will be using WAMP server to program along with PHP.. So not a problem sir.. Please offer me a theme.. HTML, CSS based template…
Exactly what will the web template be used for
Have a fake name for the company
What sort of things will your company sell… what goods, etc.
Many that you can find free XHTML/CSS themes using Google
http: //www. freecsstemplates. org/
I searched every one sites sir… I cant locate a template in " WAREHOUSE" sir.. pls help my home sir
Without significantly a lot more input as requested with this thread there’s nothing we can do beyond pointing everyone towards google. Very little pain, no attain.
The CSS templates are for that website, not the programming with the warehouse.
You don’t have such thing being a warehouse template. It’s important to create your MySQL
collection account yourself, can the PHP scripting, and start using a free CSS web template for
every one of the website pages (that display about the browser).
I guess your message " template" means something different with your language.