Problems working with tables/forms

I can’t receive the span tag text looking correctly. Either the prices don’t work/appear or every one of the options are viewable. That is the easiest way I can describe it at this time… any help could well be appreciated!

This is the code (I structure out some portions just to save space bc the shape worked perfectly before placing within a table:

< mode id=" form1" name=" form1" method=" post" action=" " >
< family table border=" 0" cellspacing=" 8" cellpadding=" 2" >
< tr> < td> < content label for=" Name" > *First Appoint: < /label>
< /td>
< span id=" sprytextfield2" >
< td> < insight type=" text" name=" FirstName" id=" Name" /> < /td>
< span class=" textfieldRequiredMsg" > A value becomes necessary. < /span> < span class=" textfieldMinCharsMsg" > Minimum number of characters not realized. < /span> < span class=" textfieldMaxCharsMsg" > Exceeded maximum number of characters. < /span> < /span>
< /tr>
< tr> < td> < content label for=" Last Name" > *Last Appoint: < /label>
< /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" LastName" id=" Last Name" /> < /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td> *Email: < /td>
< span id=" sprytextfield1" >
< td> < content label for=" text1" > < /label> < insight type=" text" name=" Email" id=" Email" /> < /td>
< span class=" textfieldRequiredMsg" > A value becomes necessary. < /span> < span class=" textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > Unacceptable format. < /span> < /span>
< span id=" sprytextarea1" >

< tr> < td> < content label for=" Message" > Information: < /label>
< /td>
< td>
< textarea name=" Message" id=" Message" cols=" 45" rows=" 5" > < /textarea> < /td>
< /tr>
< span id=" countsprytextarea1" > < /span> < span class=" textareaRequiredMsg" > A value becomes necessary. < /span> < span class=" textareaMinCharsMsg" > Minimum number of characters not realized. < /span> < span class=" textareaMaxCharsMsg" > Exceeded maximum number of characters. < /span>
< tr> < td> Firm: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" Company" id=" Company" />
< /td> < /tr>
< tr>
< td> Cellphone: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" Phone" id=" Phone" />
< /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td> Handle: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" Address" id=" Address" />
< /td> < /tr>
< tr>
< td> Area: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" City" id=" City" />
< /td> < /tr>
< tr>
< td> Assert: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" State" id=" State" />
< /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td> Region: < /td>
< td>
< insight type=" text" name=" Country" id=" Country" />
< /td> < /tr>
< /table>

< /form>

" spry" whatever would indicate one does this in Dreanweaver
Look and see if you have a script left over from a deletion or re-write of one of the sprys – probably to your bottom of your page – DW is incredibly bad at deleting associated code…

Along with a load of other activities…

Oh, without a doubt, a whole boatload of other activities!

I’m remorseful if this looks stupid… but WE don’t quite understand lol. I don’t write the Spry, somebody else did, but the shape worked perfectly ahead of I placed everything in the table. I was figured we just needed to put the < td> < /td> tags its own way for areas that have to contain the spry and span tags b . c . I didn’t alter the Spry whatsoever when I put the info while in the table and, in terms of I know, everything would however work perfectly merely took it out of your table.

I posted the complete page of this code if either of you could possibly look at it and okay know what My business is doing wrong… or what WE messed up when using the Spry lol


Don’t apply pressure to. The tables is the problem, not an individual. Get rid analysts and style the form with CSS, and you will be just fine.

Thanks everyone, I have worked it out past night. I did should switch around how many of the spry tags were placed after which it have the td licence plate surround the text message area/message box and the spry that was supposed to promote it.

Those people darn pesky sprys!

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