Hi there all,
When do you find it appropriate to make use of block quotes I am planning to layout a background image to include a poem written by way of famous Scottish poet, citing the author and the website it was taken from. The image will be your typical speach bubble form shape.
The reason I am asking is which i read somewhere that you ought to only use ‘quotes’ as well as ‘block quotes’ beyond doubt things like announcement statements made around news articles, interviews and such.
I suppose the question could be better put seeing that… when is this not appropriate to apply block quotes
I appreciate your opinions for this
Use quote representations when highlighting a bit of a sentence in your essay or statement to help define either the actual quote or word(s) you wish to emphasize.
Use block quotes when you want to " indent" an entire piece or passage of text that could be separated from the rest of the content.
This is done with CSS to get the same consequence, but using the exact block quote tags also informs search engines of the concentration and importance of the statement.
With thanks, that helps along with what I have in mind for the finalized layout as it’ll be a section position to the right of the chief content in the same sort of a position as a sidebar, but purley to add sentiment and decoration to the rest of the page.