I was looking at this (I already have the keys)
http: //code. google. com/apis/recaptcha/docs/php. html
But it’s way too complicated.
You want this form:
http: //portaloftheweb. com/mail/cpanelemail. php
to possess the thing.
Where would MY PARTNER AND I add it while in the code
Bless you.
You want a script to be able to process your mode too….
This line:
< kind name=" frmEmail" method=" post" >
On earth do you show us in which script
You may call it whatever you need, but it should be specified.
I don’t recommend with the same script for the reason that form itself, that makes it too complicated.
Well there is certainly already another script. There’s no doubt that it’s called xmlapi. php or even something… Is the fact that one
As the account creation works perfectly!
1) To get uploaded " recaptchalib. php" to the website
That should be done.
2) In which case you insert the PHP scripting revealed, into your variety….
Additionally, your form offers no " action", so I’m not sure ways to say it’s doing the job.
< html>
< head> < title> Create a free email levels! < /title> < /head>
< body>
< p> Portaloftheweb. com provides a fast and reliable free email provider. It includes plenty of storage space and it has an intuitive interface (based on Roundcube). < /p>
< p> By signing up for an email address with Portaloftheweb. com, you agree to the < a href="http: //portaloftheweb. com/mail/terms. html"> Terms of Service/Privacy Policy< /a>. Get pleasure from! < /p>
< p> If you already have an levels, please sign in < a href="http: //portaloftheweb. com/mail/"> here< /a> < br />
< b> Significant: in the "User Name" field please do it in this data format: xxxxxxxxxportaloftheweb. com, where xxxxxxxxx is an address of your option. < /b> < br />
< div style="color: red"> < /div> < h1> Create a Free Email Levels... < /h1>
< form name="frmEmail" method="post">
< table width="400" border="0">
< tr> < td> Username: < /td> < td> < input name="user" size="20" type="text" /> < /td> < /tr>
< tr> < td> Password: < /td> < td> < input name="pass" size="20" type="password" /> < /td> < /tr>
< tr> < td> Verify Password: < /td> < td> < input name="vpass" size="20" type="password" /> < /td> < /tr>
< tr> < td>
< php
require_once('recaptchalib. php');
$publickey = "your_public_key"; // you got this from the signup page
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
< /td> < /tr>
< tr> < td colspan="2" align="center"> < hr /> < input name="submit" type="submit" value="Create Email" /> < /td> < /tr>
< /table>
< /form>
< /body>
< /html>
Tell me precisely how your form sends data to somewhat of a script that an individual say is working.
Let’s get this much figured-out 1st.
Well here’s how I practice it:
Below is usually a script you may test.
I’m just picking a stab at the idea, since I haven’t any way of tests anything myself.
Complete a safe copy of existing " cpanelemail. php" and save the actual script below since the same name.
You have to download " recaptchalib. php" from the captcha web page and upload that website property also.
There are 2 places in such a script… you have got to enter 1)your non-public key, and 2)your arrest key…
Do this script as " cpanelemail. php":
< php
Yi Xu 08/17/2010 Ver 1. 0
This is a simple script for creating cpanel email accounts using cPanel XML API Client Class
I got the idea from http: //www. zubrag. com/scripts/ cpanel email creator script.
Then again, their script uses fopen access cpanel directly and it doesn't work anymore.
Cpanel updated their variant. It is better to use their client class to access cpanel functions externally.
Got any tips. please email me at andy3dfxyahoo. com
include(". /xmlapi. php"); //XMLAPI cpanel client class
// Default whm/cpanel&nbs