Saving message

I’m trying to figure out a way to let somebody that has bought products by me, leave my family a note about my product. I would really like to have this in some form of form and if they are done, it just saves to somewhat of a folder as wording or something so I will later put this on my internet site. A testimonial, if you ever will. How will i go about that or find info for this.
Bless you,

Very well, what you could do is have got a form that each time a user enters throughout information and important submit, it emails you the data that they came into. You going to be able to need some Device Side Language for instance PHP or ASP to start this.

Heres a piece of text on form in order to email via ASP — http: //www. aspobjects. com/ASP_Articles/Email/

Or else search Google to get PHP and type to email. Hope this helps!: typical:

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