howdy everyone
im not actually gonna out source the following XD but i maybe need to do a lot connected with fixes or maybe a very few.
a niche site im working at works fine about ie8, but ie7 is pretty much screwed when you click on a subpage you will start to see the many broken parts. this can be for quite a huge client and the actual deadline is friday. usually ill code so i dont have to do ie7 fixes, so im a little lost with regards to estimating how long most of these fixes will take, whether they will require any large degree of recoding etc..
in the event anyone knows, could someone yes some insight towards what they think this will likely take and the time (The deadline for many this is next week) so that i can attempt to manage work accordingly
Certainly if any one can possibly see any obvious fixes well then , i’ll know!! Ive pasted the many fixes i can find below (excuse this note form)
The many fixes:
#main (content box) background not showing about subpages
. strip within. group within #newsgallery is misaligned (look from video-library. php wherever it’s displaying ok)
. strip a (links) usually are underlined
#footer background not showing properly
#subpagenav not showing – shunted down – to do with it’s position: complete. if i consider this off this kind of fixes the #main qualifications too. i must reposition it.
. analystquotebox background image not exhibiting (bottom background can show. is this it’s deficit of height)
/wol/ (microsite):
#main showing background and not spanning down for the footer. footer background not displaying whatsoever including its coloration.
#lhcolumn (left menu) misaligned as soon as hovering over it and after my partner and i take the rabbit away
/wol/wol-video. php:
online video media embed misaligned along with #mainvideo (its holder)
video-library. php: #mainvideo misaligned – to do with it’s position: comparable, when removed it really is aligned.
video-library. php: embedded flash is not aligned with #mainvideo it’s ‘holder’
/future-ready-workspace/ (microsite):
#footercontact bottom part footer background possibly not displaying,
#lhcolumn (left menu) misaligned
circumstance studies pages in addition to partner microsites: key content is misaligned (fixed through changing. column4 border to 16px just about all round)
what-we-do/product. php:
still left side of key content (. fullcol) too nearly edge of bright background
what-we-do/lifecycle-services. php
still left side of key content (. fullcol) too nearly edge of bright background
.. Grrr..
Many thanks
Good master.
Which has a laundry list like this, you’re either gonna have to keep playing when using the fixes yourself or find someone else to take the time to do all of them. Since you’re requesting about whether you should outsource them, that means most likely don’t can do them yourself, which means yes, you possibly should outsource these people.
Someone might have a concept for several of those, but this is one of those " two hours of digging along with experimenting" deals general.
heh ok i see what youre saying – the oly reason they may be i dont can do them is of which a) im not very knowledgeable about fixing for ie7 as i typically signal smaller sites where each page is just not uniquely designed and b) you will find there’s deadline on this also it should have by now gone live seriously: /
there is something ive noticed in the code – " sizcache". it only appears in the Developer Tools addon regarding IE, within html page tags eg < div id=" mydiv" sizcache=" 2" > i looked this up also it seems it might be jquery putting that there, could it be contributing to these ie7 problems
and/or from my list does any person recognise any issues theyve had before and may recommend best route to fix I dont wish my stylesheets to end up all hacked and get an ie css report as large as the main stylesheet..