spry Menu Bar – not displaying correctly in IE

We’ve an issue which has a a spry drop-down menus bar. It should resemble this:

http: //i303. photobucket. com/albums/nn134/mr-skill/Picture23. png

In Firefox & Safari it appears to be fine but in IE appears this:

http: //i303. photobucket. com/albums/nn134/mr-skill/Picture24. png

If it arrived on the scene like that within Firefox I’d think it was because the div that contain the spry club was too small but that isn’t the case – can be seen the yellow outline with the div in the primary pic, and it’s bigger as opposed to spry element.

Every ideas

Usually ie6 or SEVERAL or both It’s usually margin and/or foam with ie6 and perhaps sometimes 7. DW does a okay job making those spry menus work in everything, until you mess with all the css. Have you experimented with making the div a bit wider Start having 20px wider first. If that maintenance tasks it, then it is a width problem. Hopefully you can also make it wider without messing up your layout. Otherwise, you may have to have a ie mend.

When the site is dwell, can you place a link so I could tinker around for it

That gave me the clue POST needed, I had messed about with all the CSS to cure ore a younger problem, managed to produce it look today. However, the dropdowns continue to don’t dropdown.

My organization is using a mac, so IE operates out at version 5. 2, so I need ideas of if it’s just simply the hopeless outdatedness regarding it.

Here’s a check out the page – might you tell me if the dropdowns appear within your version of IE I’d thanks, cheers!

http: //temporary. awardspace. biz/site/records/index. code

IE6 is messed up as much as layout, but that menu is functioning correctly. IE7 seems good.

ALRIGHT, cheers, yeah I’m obtaining *****ed layout too but I believe I know what to do, thanks for your own help!

In case id=" " isn’t going to come BEFORE class=" " while in the outermost < ul> assertion it messes all up in IE. I figured this specific out after A few months of messing along with my code. try out it, hope the item helps.

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