I will be trying to include this code around my. htaccess file with regard to stopping hotlinking but i will be having the impression angryman. jpeg, pointed out below, replacing a number my images. Can you please indicate is there a problem
Regards for your help.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %HTTP_REFERER! $
RewriteCond %HTTP_REFERER! http: //(www\. )mydomain. com/. *$ NC
RewriteRule \. (gifjpg)$ http: //www. mydomain. com/angryman. jpeg UR, L
I am just not an. htaccess professional…
But I did find this:
http: //altlab. com/htaccess_tutorial. html
maybe that might give you some ideas.
Cherished Sir,
Everyone helped me solve my problem. Thanks a great deal for your help. That was an amazing site for equally coding and testing of hotlinking.