.swf not showing up in chrome or firefox

Good day, I’m new here instead of a professional wp site designer. A brief intro-
I’m 36 and possess been a volunteer EMT for 13 years with the Howell Township 1st Aid and Test Squad #1 around NJ
world wide web. htfars. org
We are a career 911 operator and now have been for OF SIXTEEN years. About 8 typical our squad wanted to getting a website. A friend involving mine designed basic principles for the site after which you can turned it to me. I have NOT ANY training or expertise in HTML or anything of the nature so when i taught myself over time and have happen to be " just becoming by" till today. I utilize the particular file builder for Ipower that is our hosting web site.

My current problem is that I created any banner and links to navigate the website from a. swf format. I also have a youtube window in the center of the site to examine various squad reports and interests that will I’ve posted. They have proved helpful perfectly all alongside and recently WHEN I uploaded google chrome to be able to my computer and also noticed that they just don’t show up upon there. There is also a rather substantial blank space along at the top of the page on chrome. I wasn’t initally uneasy by this until eventually I saw the particular monthly user report as well as the ratio of CHROME clients to IE people is getting greater monthly. Some of people users are squad members who may have also mentioned the matter to me.

Just like I stated sooner, I have performed this on by myself for our squad so that we do not need to pay someone to keep up the site. Were a volunteer business with 75 members and don’t receive tax money. I also have fun here very much. I have no idea technical jargon often. If anyone can " view source" of what I have on the webpage and let me know if there is something I can change to make it work in Chrome I’d personally greatly appreciate that!

Many thanks for your time frame,
Mark Zicha
life member, retired officer, website administrator
world wide web. htfars. org

Chrome as well as firefox both are usually pretty forgiving at. swf files, but I must ask, can you visit YouTube in your current install involving chrome or firefox and also view videos

Reason I’m asking is sometimes the plugins needed for the browser, do not install properly, but should you go there they usually play fine, then it’s probably just your path problem… I suspect while you probably used the YouTube code that will embed, and it may not be displaying properly, that this flash player install for your browser is not really correct.

The youtube window does not show up also. What do I need to increase make all of it appear


have got to a PC and this i what Now i’m seeing…

ONE. some javascript references nevertheless the file it’s phoning doesn’t exist:

< script src=" /A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom. js" type=" text/javascript" > < /script> < script src=" /A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom. js" type=" text/javascript" > < /script> < script src=" /A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom. js" type=" text/javascript" > < /script> < script src=" /A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom. js" type=" text/javascript" > < /script> < script src=" /A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom. js" type=" text/javascript" > < /script>

2. My IE install that i intentionally don’t get flash installed with is kicking way up an OCX error when seeking to load the ActiveX element for Flash…

That normally means that there’s a problem with how you have embedded the actual flash file…

I think you’re missing the exact embed command so try this instead…

< subject classid=" clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http: //download. macromedia. com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash. cab#version=7, 0, 19, 0"
width=" 100" height=" 55" >
< param name=" movie" value=" HOWELL_TOWNSHIP_FIRST_AID_RESCUE_SQUAD_No_1. swf" />
< param name=" quality" value=" high" />
< add src=" HOWELL_TOWNSHIP_FIRST_AID_RESCUE_SQUAD_No_1. swf" pluginspage=" http: //www. macromedia. com/go/getflashplayer" type=" application/x-shockwave-flash" width=" 100" height=" 55" > < /embed>
< /object> 

let me recognize how it goes

WEBZARUS…. Many thanks so much!
Relating to used that extension with the banner and individually updating each site and its working. Now can MY PARTNER AND I bug you for starters more thing

I would really prefer to have that static image of our shield within the back ground just like before. I quit the " training" page the way in which it was previous to. Could you examine the source along with tell me how I could have that as being a static image continue to its file name is.
< style> BODY
BACKGROUND: url(images/hfab4. gif) permanent no-repeat center bottom

I also was still having issues with the youtube window for the home page

Once again… THANKS so a great deal for helping me on this subject!

I have now figured out that youtube player as well. I’m good with teaching myself lol.

Now the last 2 things would be the border (still bright all around) plus the static shield/crest with each page and that is no longer right now there. I’m working with it, but even now not figuring this out.

I am sorry, got busy final night and feel back on our phone. ‘ glad you have those issues exercised.

I’ll have a look later and seemif MY SPOUSE AND I see what you’re discussing

ok, last but not least got back:

several things occurring on that web page:

ONE. no doc kind declared ( appears like some old code from your MS editor ), that’s probably why none from the CSS is working away at the page.

Put this

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