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Tag Archives: Alias
Apache again
goes anyone learn how like make multiple address’s with Apache just like: home. localhost will load from you folder while community forum. localhost will head over to another. any help appreciated. absolutely no… u may should register w/ a DNS before you could do something similar to that… PM beacon, he has the apache expert They’re named subdomains BTW yeh, i understand, sorry i didnt name then that throughout here hmm, i thought i might need a DNS, nevermind then, i’m only a developer from your home, i’m not positioning my page on the web yet. From the apache records it seems that can be done this: Code: NameVirtualHost * < VirtualHost *> ServerName urlwww. website. tld/url DocumentRoot /www/domain < /VirtualHost> < VirtualHost *> ServerName urlwww. otherdomain. tld/url DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain < /VirtualHost> Go to http: //httpd. apache. org/docs/vhosts/name-based. html for any full info. Yep you can as martin said but on the. conf file: Code: # VirtualHost: Allows the daemon to react to requests for several # server deal with, if your node machine is configured to simply accept IP packets # with regard to multiple addresses. This can be accomplished with the actual ifconfig # alias banner, or through … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Access Log, Alias, Beaker, Btw, Community Forum, Daemon, Documentroot, Email Domain, Httpd Apache, Ip Packets, Kernel, Localhost, nevermind, Ppl, Server Deal, Servername, Tld, Virtualhost, Web Host, Www Domain
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okay… I got my router to let the port 80 go through.. but now while i load it over the IP it doesn’t load up… http: //paradoxpc. jrawly. com —————————===== Example Explain. that is certainly the default index. html file regarding apache. Remove almost all files from < apache installation directory> /htdocs/ submission site, except the " manual" folder. and Place your own personal. that is if you are running it on windows. Also, never loaded with luck. You may as well add an Alias directive afre the wedding, or use your own personal DcoumentRoot. Poke around within the manual to see what they do. bah.. thats not what I became talking about… it turned out because 2. 0 can be crap… so now I have 1. 3. 27 but it still doesn’t operate right… it can choose like 3 moments working fine… in that case it just halts wirking.. and I will only access it from " localhost" to. o help: ‘-( REVISE: never mind… I acquired it to perform… somehow the timeout within the php. ini was set to YOUR FIVE seconds…
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alias, Apache Installation, Crap, Ini, Installation Directory, Ip, Lt, Router, submission, Timeout
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Fourms, Message Boards – same thing?
This is a pretty lame concern, but I’m publishing the docs in order to an app and I don’t desire to sound stupid next time i say, Am I right in nevertheless what was previously called a Message Board is now known generally to be a Forum, or is there an implied difference between each It was actually originally identified as a Newsgroup, as with NNTP Newsgroups (alt. binaries. erotica anyone). Back prior to the WWW was sometimes around, newsgroups were the " community" from the world. Bulletin Board Techniques (BBS) eventually replaced Newsgroups if the web got popular. The main reason happens because people couldn’t find out the difference concerning HTTP and NNTP along with were utterly confused, so BBS’s contributed the newsgroup to HTTP format. Community forums = an alias for Bulletin Board Systems. Community forums are slightly several than BBS’s… they have got a structured linear arrangement, rather than the particular free-form recursive composition familiar to most Bulletin Board Devices. The main cause of the change is the fact that BBS’s confused people who have their complex principles heirarchies. A little something interesting… vB (the software powering this forum) is actually short for vBulletin, even though it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alias, Baud, Binaries Erotica, Bulletin Board Systems, Community Forums, Composition, Coupler, Desire, Developers, Docs, Emergenc, Forum Software, Handset, Handsets, Linear Arrangement, modem, Newsgroups, Old Geezer, Reagan, Youngster
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Apache Question
Express my web list is ‘C: /my documents’ and from it I have a new folder called ‘website1’ So to get to it I would type: http: //localhost/website1/ These days, is it doable to edit httpd. conf so I just have to type this specific: http: //localhost/website1 (without the / within the end) With thanks Try: Code: Alias /website1 /website1 (IIRC) That would try to be for one folder while wouldn’t it Think about making it so I do not have to type the / in for any folders Add an alias minus the " /" Maybe you have checked whether UseCanonicalName is placed on In that case, disable it. Sean ie. UseCanonicalName off … around httpd. conf Sean Furthermore check the Crawls… by default the only real default document is definitely index. html, probably have to add in. php,. htm etc for whatever you employ. PS Mine works that way by default (after incorporating in index. php in order to my indexes) WE already did of which And due to all that made it simpler for, I will experiment with these suggestions tommorow. Sean, the item worked great, with thanks.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alias, Apache Web, Default Document, Express, folders, Iirc, Indexes, Localhost, New Folder, Quot Quot
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Animated GIF problem
Howdy everyone, To begin with.. I know disgrace on me for using a really relic as a great animated GIF although I’m quite new to anything moving over the internet so I had to create a quick solution for any request from your boss. The website which includes said GIF is usually: www. fruitbliss. com It seems for you to generally look ok in browsers in addition to on the ipad/mobile devices. However, I noticed that when i open it with Safari, it looks different all the time It begins of showing a dirty pixellated piste that changes each time I open it inside the browser… but possibly not in Firefox as well as IE. in the event you open the true GIF at online world. fruitbliss. com/images/Bee1. gif you might see what I’m dealing with. If for some reason it looks correct on your screen, then listed here is a screen shot in the problem. Why does it make it happen! Thank you! -K POST don’t see any trail but your yellow border, which has to do with the anti-alias together with transparent backgounds. POST forgot how which worked but appearance it up, maybe you can make it look … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alias, Animated Gif, Appearance, Boss, Disgrace, Images Gif, Little Bit, Mobile Devices, Piste, Quick Solution, Relic, Safari, Yellow Border
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