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Tag Archives: Brussels
Installing Apache on Win2000 Prof
So downloaded the zip, removed it, and published the install doctor, it’s claiming l should download and installation the. msi report. WTF how is the fact that meant to install Hopelessly lost on this sucker Go read the actual this thread during vbf i strolled justin through the idea i’m sure that can be done it! hold out on i’ll uncover it Yep here ya go: http: //www. vbforums. com/showthread. phpthreadid=157785& highlight=apache beacon Read everthing then ask queries! Thanks dude, apparent this can be for PHP and HTML pages… is better than me why most of us need two website server setups Psst…. you obtain the manuals and many cool demos on the PHP sites Am likely to be all over brussels: thumbsup: Nah havent experienced much time in order to resume me php knowing!! Focusing on some asp venture!! First i’ll get noisyplanet up on a server plus the domain name after that i’ll learn php! Php is actually great… and not thay hard to learn. Found some weird quirks around PHP, though… PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() echo $something; // echos nothing But PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Beaker, Brussels, Domain Name, Echos, Geeks, Highlight, Html Pages, Nah, Nbsp, Php Asp, queries, Scope, Sucker, Thay, Thumbsup, Vb, Vbf, Web Developers, Weird Quirks
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Good Forums?
Whats the best FREE forum Invision, but it’s crap close to vB. pay the worth, it’s worth this Invision Table www. invisionboard. com www. phpbb. com www. wowbb. com there are actually more, but they may not be worth mentioning. I do think that Invision Power Board is a best, but brussels is also beneficial: http: //www. webtrickscentral. com/forums/index. php If you could install IPB, wait last week or max any weeks till IPB v2 is actually released phpBB. I have tried all those meals but this has been the better one of many lot and it really is free. The modern phpBB 2. 2 is returning out soon and the development forum seems fantastic, 100% better then the prior one. Also it’s really simple to use, easy to add MODs to and easy to set up. You cannot go wrong. http: //www. aimoo. com That one’s quite good and so are all the others. I would likely recommend www. phpbb. com and also www. invisionboard. com. Both these are available on free licences, they usually both have significant new releases coming out in the near future. I would recommend you try both of these to see which one you … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Brussels, Colors, Css Document, Development Forum, Forum Invision, forums, Free Forum, Free Licences, Hack, Index Php, Long Time, New Releases, Php File, Preference
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Public School Website Ideas/Recommendations
Thanks a lot in advance to your time and any assistance you could provide. A bit background info: I be employed by a metro Boston area public school system to be a member of the four person technologies department supporting a ridiculous amount of computers/users for brussels. I have recently been given the endeavor to redesign the leading website for your school system containing technology that is definitely above par in comparison to the most on the school systems inside MA; although I would assume a lot of the student’s home Computers aren’t as superior. My goal is usually to create a website that may be basically an informative directory to produce an basic breakdown of each school inside the city and links to the pre-existing websites for each school. It has been requested that MY SPOUSE AND I use MS FrontPage to style the site as a few school facilitators, who are intermediate-level laptop users, will need to be able to update some info on the webpage. I have created one or two websites using FrontPage some three years back in college that were decent which designed basic animation, but have not done much layout beyond that. I do … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Animation, Basic Breakdown, Boston Public, Brussels, Create A Website, Dumb Mistakes, Endeavor, Facilitators, Home Computers, Informative Directory, Intermediate Level, Laptop Users, Metro Boston Area, Model Sheets, Ms Frontpage, Niche, Old Computers, Parents, Public School System, School Technology
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Trying to make a website that I can update on the fly..
I’ve seen plenty of sites like this kind of, they seem to your workplace almost like forums. I’ve even utilised one, but I’d like to know how I could make one enjoy it. A very good example of what I’m referring to is a guild-portal site (like brussels. ) Or internet. ctrlaltdel-online. com At any rate, can someone provide me a palm For this you will need a content administration system (CMS) It might be hard inless there is a lot of experience for making one yourself, however benefits free CMSs available which would enable you to customize design wise and will help you to update and run your website online, quickly and easily. An example of this is something like SmartSite CMS, that was written by Mossoi, who is a member of the forums. Consider http: //smartsitecms. net and take a glance, or just look into a site just like Source forge and also something, there are hundreds around. Certain to be one that will fit your demands. Most are not hard to customize.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Administration System, Brussels, Cms, Content Administration, Ctrlaltdel Online, Customize, Fit, Fly, forums, Glance, Guild Portal, Lot, Palm, Portal Site, Smartsite, Source Forge
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wysiwyg textarea editor
Im trying to find a text publisher, The same while WDF’s post publisher. http: //www. htmlarea. com — This only functions in IE. This doesnt help. What im trying to find is a text editor with the < textarea> label. It doesnt have to display your alterations, it must just be capable to add the HTML tags towards your text etc. It would nice if it absolutely was wysiwyg. Gives thanks This is pretty handy – http: //www. fckeditor. net/ Gives thanks Mossoi. I will look it over. Ive found a number of of them, but them all dont work around FF! That can be damn irratating! Brussels does. It’s not the simplest thing to jump into but is effective nicely once it truly is all configured. It will work pretty properly. There are one or two issues with them though. I cannot apparently get images, or hyperlinks to embed. But in IE these functions work. Throughout FF, the mistake I get will be: function undefined. Anyhow, I still as if it: classic: I’d that same issue. There is a patch hard somewhere, IIRC it’s a variable that’s been capitalised inside the wrong place. Mossoi, you wouldnt know finding the … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged alterations, Becuase, Brussels, Configured, Definitly, Document Editor, Ff, Ffx, Forum Forum, Html Document, Html Tags, Htmlarea, hyperlinks, Lt, Quirks, Quot, Simplest Thing, Text Publisher, Web Browser, Wierd Web
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What would you do?
Here’s the situation. Client has powersports store can be a yamaha franchise. wants E-commerce site considering the 19, 000 products he’s, this is which includes parts. What solution will i use to make this as speedy as possible. Are available any Parts Specific solutions on the market How about images to go along Will some people be easy to upload in conjunction with part number… he currently has this specific in Lightspeed segments and accounting Program. And Finally what does one charge Thanks beforehand for your response. Whatever one does, I think it will be pretty darn tedious and time intensive. I do’nt think there is usually a shortcut as presently there isn’t anything that is automated. It’s going to take quite a long time and that’s of which. I would make sure to figure out how far this could take you and then just choose exactly what hourly figure anyone fancy. I think it could cost a considerable amount and it may take ages to complete inless you get many people in helping. I didn’t realise there are so many products with the sort of factor: -D I would up the cost and put a new team together to … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Accounting, Brussels, Charge Thanks, Conjunction, E Commerce Site, Franchise, Free Time, Images, Imagine, Interface, Long Time, Lot, Many People, Odds, organization, Part Timer, Segments, Specific Solutions
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I’m looking for a well designed Police Dept. site.
I’m trying to find a well made Police Dept. site for an task. I have for you to compare two web sites. I already have a very " bad" police site. http: //www. northbridgepolice. com/index. htm (bad) Gives thanks. PS. Do not recommend NYPD or even LAPD. Their web pages are too massive and " busy" and also complex for my own comparison purposes. Before we get rolling, let’s try to deliver context for the idea of " well designed. " For instance, Atlanta isn’t an aesthetic hit but they need suplemented the navigation with another navigation by zoom map. The challenge comes in if " well-designed" is limited with a single dimension. Design must be how the site works for customers, integrates any best-practices (which are based on studies and tests), and so on. The critieria, like the grade of information sometimes will get undervalued. I admit with a fair measure regarding astonishment when terminology like " nicely designed" get used. It is not like the " take a look at my PhotoShop skills" testimonials, people have to make use of municipal sites to quickly attain practical objectives. Every person is entitled for you to an opinion. But please … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged 911, Accessibility Issues, Astonishment, Best Practices, Brussels, Comparison Purposes, Critieria, Department Webpage, Dimension Design, Jpeg Image, Kitchen Tables, New Sheriff, Own Eyes, Photoshop Skills, Police Dept, Police Site, Urban Center, Web Pages, Www2, Yikes
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Website Design Question
Hello there, I am fresh to css, along with graphics of web pages, I am carrying out an anti medicine website for teens for a non profit firm, I am considering any ideas correctly, the site that i have made already is incredibly plain, and I am uncertain what to include in it to allow it to be more appealing. MY PARTNER AND I dont know just about any css, I tried to educate yourself it online, however it seemed very puzzling: sleeping:. Is there almost every other languages that I really could use instead of css and if you have any ideas, or suggestions to enhance the look of the site, please allow me to know! This is the link for you to my draft page http: //halescomputerservice. com/gcasa/ Thanks for almost any help! -Dillon well i’d vote against any talking dogs. so as a talking bottle regarding syrup says obtain mrs buttersworth syrup but a talking dog says your own not suposed to acquire stoned just kidding. very little realy css is not hard. you should just cut and stick some small snippets in addition to start playing by it. remember it is more effective to keep the … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Blasphemy, Brussels, Design Question, Dillon, Drupal, External Style Sheet, Free Website, Hammer, Index Page, Learning Curve, Liking, Medicine Website, Mrs Buttersworth, Ok Thanks, Profit Website, Reply, Snippets, Web Pages, Web Template, Website Templates
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Best Way To Show Pictures?
Hi, I’ve built an internet site for myself to share all of our pictures, blog, and also allow employers for you to view/download my application. Currently I have different sections by using lists of hyperlinks to various occurrences. Using a internet album generator I have those event links head to the albums. They look sort of tacky however, and I’m keen the way lightbox would make pictures look. Picasa only enables 1gb of zero cost storage and I’m needing at least 20-30gb… Just about any suggestions Referrals: www. jamesfontaine. net Gives thanks! check away the gallery about my site world wide web. studio378d. com and check if that is something you prefer. if it is i would be glad to talk about some code to generate it happen available for you. im still new to design so it would fun. That is definitely okay, not what exactly I’m looking pertaining to, but a get started. I would like to display pics in folders (albums) through a link every event, and have them displayed a similar way they are actually, just in a far more modern fashion… im uncertain what you feel can be more modern. your gallery seems fine in … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Album Generator, Blog, Brussels, Exact Size, Flash Program, folders, Html Document, hyperlinks, Images, Internet Album, Internet Site, Keen, Lightbox, Modern Fashion, Occurrences, Referrals, Storage, World Wide Web
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