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Tag Archives: Crap
404 errors
where to the system is the page for your ie 404 faults stored they are stored as your resource in shdoclc. dll, along with all the other error pages 404 is stored most way down the particular file; open it in Wordpad and you will see it ahh crap… does that mean id have got to open te dll to get it… stupid pc’s!!! The actual 404 page is actually defined by that server, but IE by simply default tells the actual server to piss away and show its, which I simply disabled. good, the default IE one is the one pissing my family off… some program changed it into a redirector… and the idea pisses me away from…
Setting up vBulletin forums
Internet marketing running an Apache Node on W2K, what else must i need to create vBulletin forums http: //www. php. net/ http: //www. mysql. com/ A legal license. The h4x0red type not only is frequently out of time frame, but denies you entry to other goodies which a paid license makes you, including PSDs on the buttons and having access to the vB help forums, as well as usage of all hacks. Well worth the $85 IMHO Are you aware of any free W2K as well as Apache (for W2K) Community forums, I hopefully can be easy to create I located one!! I as well got it functioning, even though it was a ***** to setup,, b/c they din’t tell easy methods to set it up in the least. It also appears vaguilly familiar to the. http: //www. phpbb. com/ Here is my site check it out! Http: //fitz. fd-soft. com/forum Next best thing to a paid vBulletin: Losing Board v1. YOU. 1 Comprehend it at www. woltlab. de British hacking site from www. wbbmods. com Everyone getting that little bit of crap set in place though.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Apache, Community Forums, Crap, Forums Internet, Goodies, Hacking Site, Hacks, Imho, Internet Marketing, Legal License, Little Bit, Node, running, Time Frame, Vb Help, Vbulletin, W2k, Woltlab
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okay… I got my router to let the port 80 go through.. but now while i load it over the IP it doesn’t load up… http: //paradoxpc. jrawly. com —————————===== Example Explain. that is certainly the default index. html file regarding apache. Remove almost all files from < apache installation directory> /htdocs/ submission site, except the " manual" folder. and Place your own personal. that is if you are running it on windows. Also, never loaded with luck. You may as well add an Alias directive afre the wedding, or use your own personal DcoumentRoot. Poke around within the manual to see what they do. bah.. thats not what I became talking about… it turned out because 2. 0 can be crap… so now I have 1. 3. 27 but it still doesn’t operate right… it can choose like 3 moments working fine… in that case it just halts wirking.. and I will only access it from " localhost" to. o help: ‘-( REVISE: never mind… I acquired it to perform… somehow the timeout within the php. ini was set to YOUR FIVE seconds…
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alias, Apache Installation, Crap, Ini, Installation Directory, Ip, Lt, Router, submission, Timeout
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free smtp outgoing mail
can you really get a cost-free smtp outgoing mail we would like one because my isp is screwing me around and we can NEVER log in all i’d like to see it for should be to have as the outgoing mail machine for my electronic mail because my snail mail inbox is pop3. sorry i am to not familiar with e-mail so sorry if this can be a crap question In case you have a web host you probably already have them. If not I bet you’ll find free (albeit probably impossible to make use of and configure GNU beasts) servers you need to use on your very own computer. yes i’ve seen free servers to work with on my pc, but what i specifically want it for is to the outgoing mail to get my forum… i will check my host but i don’t even think i have it general health told me to apply my isps outgoing postal mail server, but in which never works, not once in about 3 years i determined that my sponsor charges 15 1 year for smtp so i might get that unless i could sort my expected free isp snail mail account.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged 3 Years, Beasts, Crap, E Mail, Electronic Mail, Free Isp, Free Mail, Free Servers, General Health, Gnu, Mail Account, Mail Inbox, Mail Machine, Mail Server, Outgoing Mail, Own Computer, Postal Mail, Smtp Mail, Snail Mail, Web Host
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Dreamweaver mx 2004
My business is currently using dreamweaver mx for the coding of my websites but now they have released mx 2005. IS it much different Ought to be a bother getting this newer version All I truly use it regarding is coding not really using any in the feature provided by using it inless I am feeling lazy. What features are for the new one When you have the new one particular please say if you feel I should tumble or not, Thanks, apparently it has the worth getting.. it minimises any html so everythin is finished with css.. simply no cellpadding and most that ****.. you could always dload this trial.. anyone tried pen mx 2004 and also this seems like an improvement Oh sure, there sure are usually improvements… I can’t name all those meals here, but you may watch the online introduction of Dreamweaver MX 2004 on http: //www. macromedia. com It’s a high quality video with someone(A genuine person) fore warning you about the brand new features. I do not own dreamweaver MX 2004 yet, but I do have Flash MX 2004. I have no idea of, but Flash MX 2004 is kinda buggy once i try … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged alterations, Buggy, Crap, Css Web, Dreamweaver Mx 2004, Everythin, Flash Mx 2004, Genuine Person, High Quality, improvements, money, New Features, Picasso
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Finding quality sites
Im sat in front of a computer interested in some inspiration. WE thought, I know, I will key in Best websites, winning website, innovate web sites etc, however what I located was some in the worst, totally amazingly outdated sites proceeding. Like most people when searching for a bit associated with inspiration, I are interested quickly!! is there not a quicker way regarding finding it in addition to randomly surfing. Perhaps a list updated (Weekly or maybe monthly) with great innovative sites Surely there has to be, can some one in existence help me available! Try looking for ‘Web Design Companies’ and have a look at their portfolios. Most all good ones have these people online and there are plenty of many web designers around. Li Brad internet. templatemonster. com is really a site full connected with webdesigns. They’re all for your purchases, but you can look at them for contemplation. Try http: //www. favouritewebsiteawards. com/ to get kicks. It’s not perfect, but it has a good number of " inspirational" styles…. http: //www. cwd. dk internet. internettinyawards. com internet. fcukstar. com http: //www. wowwebdesigns. com provides some decent entries (along with several crap).
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Best Websites, Contemplation, Crap, Cwd, Existence, Inspiration, Portfolios, Quality Sites, Sat, Templatemonster, Web Design Companies, Web Designers, Webdesigns
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Looking for inspiration
Okay so We are looking for a few inspiration to re-launch the company! What can be hot and tremendous right now I want people to getting a kick out associated with my new site and drink our vodka, so I’d like something super fashionable and cool… Any ideas people Okay so We are looking for a few inspiration to re-launch this company! What can be hot and tremendous right now I want people to getting a kick out associated with my new site and drink our vodka, so I’d like something super fashionable and cool… Virtually any ideas guys **COUGH** **COUGH** **free samples** : cheeky:: cheeky:: cheeky:: cheeky:: cheeky:: cheeky: what exactly do you want a new font fashion, a new form of layout, a new routing for inspiration look at www. wowwebdesigns. com and appearance at there top rated 25 sites. be more specific for much more help. I’ve truly actually been quite disappointed in Seriously lately. They keep placing crap sites into their directory. (And they usually put mine, damnit!! ) i believe you, and i hardly understand why rustboy is usually #1 its definitely not that good of the site. why do they usually put yours in … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Alcoholic Beverages, Appearance, Bold Colours, Cool Flash, Cough Cough, Crap, Desire, Drink Recipes, Fashionable, Free Samples, Handful, Having A Great Time, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Recipe Guide, Sister Company, Something Black, Target Audience, Time Drink, Vodka
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Important Marketing Questions
WE heard that… To know why John Smith buys exactly what John Smith purchases, you must first see everything through John Smith’s face. I am definitely trying hard to figure out how to really get my personal marketing and advertising going effectively, so I would love to hear the ideas and answers associated with you fine people on this board! YOU. What is most crucial to people getting ready to buy the ideas of a website developer COUPLE OF. What are the greatest frustrations a potential web design customer have when doing business with a web layout company THREE OR MORE. What media don’t you, as a freelance web designer use to talk your message on the marketplace and what is seen as nearly all effective FOUR. Where specifically is a first place men and women look to sell to a web designer Hopefully this would help us to be a community to swimming pool our answers with each other. Can’t wait to be able to hear from anyone! 1. Name / clients COUPLE OF. Fall through THREE OR MORE. Web, VC programmes, networking, referrals / all of the above FOUR. Depends on width, but usually they ask who people … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Crap, Design Customer, Doing Business, First Draft, Freelance Web Designer, Frustrations, Hassle, John Smith, Logo Web, Marketplace, Men And Women, Personal Marketing, Place Men, Referrals, Revisions, Rough Draft, Short Time, Swimming Pool, Web Layout, Website Developer
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MS Word Help
I have started using MS Word (office 2000) to develop a web web page. The problem I will be having is we have inserted a image into my page but should the cursor goes over it the limited hand doesn’t glimpse. I have hyerlinked to it but it actually goes on the page I want, but the hands never appears — just my suggestion cursor. Any help can be appreciated I could be the first to state it: I really, very strongly suggest which you absolutely never employ Word (or any component of Office) to make web sites. The resulting rule is perpetually disorganized and always optimized pertaining to IE, regardless of the settings. Rather, I would suggest Dreamweaver: http: //www. macromedia. com/dreamweaver/. These have a larger studying curve than Concept, but the rule it produces will be far cleaner plus more compatible–and also XHTML-compliant if you ever create a document as such. I realize filburt’s advice. In lieu of teaching how make use of the hammer that will cut wood, I’d direct you to definitely a better software. Excuse my french but MS WORD is CRAP for website design… IT is quite possibly one of many worst tools to … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Better Software, Circumstance, Compliant, Crap, Cursor, Curve, Feature List, Glimpse, Hammer, Ms Word, Multiple File, Note Pad, Notepad, Office 2000, Phrase Search, Serves One, Web Web, Word Help, Word Office, Wysiwyg Editor
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How to base a presentation round this image
Me along with a friend are make presentation about horror movies being a school project. This really is of course enjoyment and all that, but unfortunately, we don’t know much about style. The current plan could be to have the presentation take advantage of this picture as the background. We’d like to keep a consistent feeling how the presentation is something from your good old times of horror — worn, grainy, yellowish and stuff like that, you know I am aware of that it’s pretty tricky to produce something look professional having a dark background, what I’m wondering are these claims: What colors could well be good for textual content Where should we squeeze nav-bar, and should the idea be a horisontal or maybe a vertical one should we keep it separate through the pages by adding a border to both of them Know make available trick to help make stylish and worn out buttons In general though, I pretty much only want to know what we ought to avoid so the whole thing doesn’t resemble, well, crap. A thousand thanks before hand! I’d make a light background to place dark text about, it just form of helps I believe. … Continue reading