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Tag Archives: Domain Name
Installing Apache on Win2000 Prof
So downloaded the zip, removed it, and published the install doctor, it’s claiming l should download and installation the. msi report. WTF how is the fact that meant to install Hopelessly lost on this sucker Go read the actual this thread during vbf i strolled justin through the idea i’m sure that can be done it! hold out on i’ll uncover it Yep here ya go: http: //www. vbforums. com/showthread. phpthreadid=157785& highlight=apache beacon Read everthing then ask queries! Thanks dude, apparent this can be for PHP and HTML pages… is better than me why most of us need two website server setups Psst…. you obtain the manuals and many cool demos on the PHP sites Am likely to be all over brussels: thumbsup: Nah havent experienced much time in order to resume me php knowing!! Focusing on some asp venture!! First i’ll get noisyplanet up on a server plus the domain name after that i’ll learn php! Php is actually great… and not thay hard to learn. Found some weird quirks around PHP, though… PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() echo $something; // echos nothing But PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Beaker, Brussels, Domain Name, Echos, Geeks, Highlight, Html Pages, Nah, Nbsp, Php Asp, queries, Scope, Sucker, Thay, Thumbsup, Vb, Vbf, Web Developers, Weird Quirks
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Question for EVERYONE
This question may be for all webmasters who own their domain name. Dilemma, If you could buy any (super professional) php script and that is a web dependent email system, super professional with all the current bells and wistles intended for under $70 PEOPLE which would assist you to offer web based email world wide web membersand visitors without the require root access on the server, would you acquire it Possibly but I for around don’t want a real script from the start. SquirrelMail ( http: //www. squirrelmail. org/ ) works fine to me. So I guess what you need is no.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Bells, Dilemma, Domain Name, Email System, people, Php Script, Squirrelmail, Web Based Email, webmasters, Wistles, World Wide Web
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I had been reviewing the site stats for starterst of my clients (as all of us good web makers do) and I happened apon a rather unusual IP which was active during the time on the web-site: 14. 148. 209. 196 A reverse DNS check on network-tools. com revealed that the domain name behind ?t had been crawler918. com, that’s registered by Enroll. com to these: NameProtect, Inc. 918 Deming Way (that 918 is form of ironic, eh) Madison, Wisconsin, USA This question is as follows: whose bot would it be, and why seemed to be it crawling our client’s site for well over 2 hours in a single shot I thought NameProtect can be a private sign up, but nameprotect. com only covers trademark registrations and things of the nature. Ban that: http: //www. advogato. org/article/610. html I’m sure I vaguely recall it being the following but I generally welcome all spiders. Normally, I do too but ours (as the guy within the article said) did actually ignore the software. txt file and also poked around around things it possessed no business poking close to in. I at ease with that, and that may be what made us so … Continue reading
web addressing question
Please huh if this can be a stupid question or merely came to a different place to understand this question aswered. I’m a self coached computer guy seeking to understand what will be happening here… Once i open a. cmp promt and enter: ping google. com, the item shows an IP adress of 216. 239. 51. HUNDRED. If I enter google. com inside browsser adress bar I get the search engines, but if I enter 216. 239. 51. HUNDRED I get anything else. Why may this happen What the heck is at the device to dirrect me on the main page next time i surf there yet my. cmd promt pings a diffrent page Thanks for taking a look. Ruk Probably try pinging internet. google. com. Used to do that and got a diff. IP then you. I am less than sure what site you want to reach though.. You got it, they’re different IPs. internet. google. com is definitely 216. 239. 53. INFO and google. com is definitely 216. 239. 27. 100. and ofcourse the IP the. cmd promt pings is different page as one you get if you type that similar IP addy the. cmd promt is pinging … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Computer Guy, Domain Name, google, Internet Google, Ip Addy, Ip Adress, Ofcourse, Page Thanks, Ping Internet, Promt, Search Engines, Servers, Stupid Question, What The Heck, World Wide Web, yahoo
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url redirection
can anyone know of an free url redirection without having pop-ups I realize its unlikely, nonetheless I remember listening to something about a single before… A rapid search turned way up www. shorturl. com, haven’t used them though. searchwebFree WEBSITE redirection/searchweb many thanks alot. this is merely for a personalized site of mine, so i don’t believe like paying for any domain name, whether or not they are actions dollars.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Domain Name, Free Pop, Free Redirection, Free Url Redirection, Many Thanks, Pop Ups, Rapid Search, Shorturl, Ups, Website Redirection
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Nameservers on my PC
Hi there guys, I purchased a domain identify from godaddy and desire to host it about my pc.. i’ve downloaded Apache/php/mysql but now i’d like to see my domain appoint to direct in order to my pc.. i think this is done by changing that nameservers on my domain name admin panel but I need ideas of what my nameserver is is there some kind of command like ipconfig that will tell me that Thanks a lot kindly in improvement Sorry but I couldn’t find virtually any threads that appeared to be related that will yours. I’m sure some sort of human will reply soon that will out. Use your IP address because primary nameserver (ping a person’s machine name should you be not behind a router), although loads of ISPs don’t enable you to host a domain on your hard disk. It also has to be a static IP address in addition or it would not work. Real but my ISP makes use of DHCP and my own IP practically in no way changes. Of course on dialup it’s actually a different story in addition to from what I have seen about AOL is that you never really apparently … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Aol, Apache Php Mysql, Desire, Dhcp, Dialup, Different Story, Domain Name, Dyn, Godaddy, Hard Disk, Ipconfig, Isp, Nameserver, Python Script, Router, Static Ip Address, subdomain, threads
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[URGENT about MONEY] How much for a site?
I’m 24 years of age and i analyze computer science, i must do a site to get a company. This internet site isn’t to intricate, and i think i must work for 24-32 working hours, but i have to ask money correctly and i are not aware of how i have got to ask, what your opinion Tnx a whole lot at all: basic: Approach a local company that features a website, create some basic mock-ups of what you could do to greatly enhance their sales/popularity, and what you could do to create them, more capital. They what that you can do is to engagement ring them up and see their website builder or whatever these people call them, and explain what you could do (show examples) and that you could create them a website to suit their/i demands. Then you definitely bring into the equation your money aspect once you already know what they would like doing Hope this may be of help. yep i know what the need, i think regarding 20-25 dollars intended for evrey hours regarding work, so your website cost 700 dollars is an excessive amount A smaller company might be a little apprehensive to … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged 24 Years, advertisement, budget, Cert, Computer Science, Domain Name, Furniture Company, Furniture Import, Import Company, Internet Site, Local Company, Mock Ups, Money Aspect, popularity, Proposal, Relationship, Smaller Company, Ups, Website Builder, Whole Lot
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need help on new site
I’d like to make an affiliate site where people can easily sign in along with list items potentially they are selling in the actual neighborhood. Like a area yard sale categorized ads site in which only registered users can list their yard sales but one can view this posted listings. What components would We would like for this web page Well the definition of you planing to accomplish I suggest for you to buy a domain name and a hosting pack with php along with mysql (aim on the less expesive one). Then you will have to set up an auction system (there are much free ones these days) for the server and you will be done… Well I don’t really wish to accomplish an auction yet allow people for you to list things quite possibly selling. are you able to give me a couple of examples of more affordable hosting packages with php and mysql Also might you tell me where We can find a zero cost auction system Browse the Domains & Hosting forum here to find the offer that suits you (I frequently find very fine ones). Here are generally some auction programs: I’ve PhpAuction PRO Plus … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Ads, Aim, Amp, Auction Programs, Auction System, Beginners Luck, Data Source, Domain Name, email, Free Ones, Fuss, Hosting Forum, Lt, Mysql Data, neighborhood, Ooh, people, Phpbazar, Web Page, Yard Sale
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Can sum1 help me!!! lol
at this time i am looking to build a website for just a friend this is my brand new doing this post dont think i’m doing to badly but i became just wandering when anybody had used the sites i always am and in case anybody had almost any tips from after they did theres the site i have made use of for hosting along with webspace is internet. freewebs. com i did register for a website with www. dept of transportation. tk but the item wont confirm the actual registration so unclear whats going about there. If anyone includes any suggestions the center of things to include onto the website where i could find free art logos etc and maybe another free domain site we would really appreciate them. Gives thanks Sara Zero cost domains suck. Privately, I’d just obtain a domain name overall as they’re really cheap.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Dept Of Transportation, Domain Name, Free Art, Free Domain, Freewebs, Logos, Lol, Sara, Tk
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Freedom of Speech vs Libel
When does this range cross, and at what exactly point does any hosting company develop the responability of choosing a site down rich in libel Here’s the challenge, my best clientele called me sufferer informing me of a situation that one among his friends features gotten into. WHEN I talked to him or her, and here’s the best way it goes: He had working lady develop a website for him a little while ago, but he didn’t have any money at the moment. He agreed to 5% from the sales of his reptiles for that next year. It turned out a slow year or so, but eventually he or she sold $11k about one trade present. So, he informs his webmaster of your, but tells him or her he wont develop the money to your ex boyfriend until he recieves cost himself (a sensible request). Last week later, his site is replaced by using www. albinorattlers. com Nearly all of what is explained are blatant is situated (libel) yet, sort of unproveable. The internet master has given that dissapeared. The names he signed into contract with cannot be found in any public information, nor can any private investigator find him. … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Clientele, Customer Service, Domain Name, E Mail, email, Face Of The Earth, Fit, Freedom Of Speech, Hosting Company, Hosting Corporation, Internet Master, Libel, Obligation, Private Investigator, Public Information, reason, Reply, Reptiles, Sufferer, webmaster
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