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Installing Apache on Win2000 Prof
So downloaded the zip, removed it, and published the install doctor, it’s claiming l should download and installation the. msi report. WTF how is the fact that meant to install Hopelessly lost on this sucker Go read the actual this thread during vbf i strolled justin through the idea i’m sure that can be done it! hold out on i’ll uncover it Yep here ya go: http: //www. vbforums. com/showthread. phpthreadid=157785& highlight=apache beacon Read everthing then ask queries! Thanks dude, apparent this can be for PHP and HTML pages… is better than me why most of us need two website server setups Psst…. you obtain the manuals and many cool demos on the PHP sites Am likely to be all over brussels: thumbsup: Nah havent experienced much time in order to resume me php knowing!! Focusing on some asp venture!! First i’ll get noisyplanet up on a server plus the domain name after that i’ll learn php! Php is actually great… and not thay hard to learn. Found some weird quirks around PHP, though… PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() echo $something; // echos nothing But PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Beaker, Brussels, Domain Name, Echos, Geeks, Highlight, Html Pages, Nah, Nbsp, Php Asp, queries, Scope, Sucker, Thay, Thumbsup, Vb, Vbf, Web Developers, Weird Quirks
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VB Hack.
http: //www. vbulletin. org/forum/showthread. phpt=41529& highlight=Forum which hack. i have got mine edited pretty alot…. world wide web. xamira. net but i wanna know how to make it so that the icons there are on / down buttons. much like the image will become lowered opacity when you’ll find no new threads, and they’re 100 % opacity when you will discover new posts….. any one Sorry, absolutely no technical vB debate here.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Debate, Down Buttons, Forum Hack, Highlight, Phpt, Showthread, threads, Vbulletin, World Wide Web
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May I ask… How old?
Hello there all. I just want do discover what " age" is popular during this forum. Remember to help. Regards. . http: //webdesignforums. net/showthread. phps=& threadid=9670& highlight=age* thanks.
Pay Scale???
I am wondering how considerably I should charge someone for making a website for their business. It is usually an independant business, they actually construction work. If anyone knows an online site I could head to to look this up that will be even better. Work out an hourly rate claim $20 think how much time it’ll decide to use make the site, say 10 hrs. Take this number at 50-75% for any flat fee. Which is how I accomplish them anyway. Charge what they will pay. I consider Brak. If you’re carrying out a site for your own neighbor, you’d charge these say a $200 on your time. If you’re doing a site for Microsoft alternatively, would you even now charge them $200 Make an effort to estimate how valueable their website is usually to them, and impose them accordingly. Don’t be afraid to inquire about a reasonably higher amount. You can generally negotiate downwards if you’re forced to, but you won’t be able to negotiate upwards. I wouldn’t have said to use an hourly quote. Come up that has a cost that you believe the business will be able, as well as one that gives anyone enough money … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Adobe Flash, Amp, Construction Work, Enough Money, Highlight, Hourly Rate, Independant Business, Making A Website, microsoft, Neighbor, Pay Scale, Php Asp, Showthread, threads, Wdf
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How much to charge for a website?
My business is putting together a quote for your potential client and would like to have your insight. This will likely be a little site: Design of an Homepage with nav buttons, and client-supplied imagesand copy Call us today page One particular php Master Page Once php Detail Page established a very compact MySQL database together with one table Hyperlinks to three various other sites Site submission searching engines Consultations/Administration http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phps=& threadid=10739& highlight=charging http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phps=& threadid=10219& highlight=charging http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phps=& threadid=9835& highlight=charging Hopefully these threads shall be useful. I’d have said that determined by how simple the particular pages are, then you definately could charge around 150 with this, depending upon what type of skills you possess. If you take advantage of this as a tough estimate (written by another on this board): " Demand an hourly charge, say 10/h / $10/h, and see what number of hours it took you to definitely complete, see longing for you . it is worth more.. then give a quote" Remember that the person/society the page is made for may not have a very large budget…
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, budget, Consultations, Highlight, Hourly Charge, hyperlinks, Insight, Mysql Database, Nav Buttons, quote, Searching Engines, Showthread, Site Submission, threads
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Web design salaries
Never to long ago I discovered this great internet site with listings involving salaries and categories to select, but it was only regarding web jobs for instance flash designers or even webmasters etc. I believe the site ended up being mostly flash. I forgot to copy the link and I would like to check out even more stuff. If anyone possesses any clue what site it really is or another quality site which has salary info by means of job, region, for example. I would thankyou. Thanks, John I haven’t acquired a clue spend money on this sort involving website, but ther several threads lurking around that start this subject. http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=9385& highlight=design price is a great place to read if you’d like more information on designing as one. Alter: http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=8845& highlight=design charges Alter 2: http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=10739& highlight=charging Alter 3: http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=10219& highlight=charging (Best thread) Those posts usually are not what I are lookin for. I am not interested in things know about charge for sites and such, I am wondering about developers who benefit companies. I just wish some average salaries for web-designers, developers, programmers, for … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged 6 Figure Jobs, Amp, Average Salaries, Clue, Design Charges, Expertise Skills, Flash Designers, Highlight, Internet Site, John I, Myth, Quick Response, Salary Info, Showthread, Thanks John, Web Designers, Web Developers, Web Jobs, Web Page Design, Web Programmers
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How to get started in web development?
Hi there, I’m new to this forum. I know this question may have been asked hundreds with times but I still should ask it. I’m 17 years old and We are considering a profession in web advancement. What I’d like to know will be what courses with study are recommended to begin with in this field Until now I have completed courses in Computer system repairs and Networking, A+, Cambridge THE ITEM Skills and a Introduction to Internet business and Computer Know-how. I’m considering doing your Bsc. of Calculating & Information Systems but I don’t know if this can be a right path WE should take. I’ve a basic knowledge of HTML and was currently experimenting by using Macromedia MX Studio. Any help we can get is going to be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=9385& highlight=Web* design and style career Look into that link. Having courses doesn’t neccessarily give you the knowledge. You might want to get some sites under your belt, and try and get extensive by using CSS and WEB CODING. From there you can start work learning languages such as PHP, ASP, JavaScript. thanks for your reply, i’ll look into the link.
Rating System
Hi I posted in this article because I’m not sure which kind of coding I want. My site will be a site exactly where people can distribute flash games. All I wish to accomplish is create a straightforward rating system per game. Just a 1-5 star sorts of thing. I’m not really a greatly skilled web designer yet so the simpler the higher. Ideally the results needs to be e-mailed to myself. Also if there’s an internet site the permits people create cost-free rating systems therefore to their site (like invitee book sites) then that will be fine. http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=6180& highlight=rating system Is this one any use to you OH HAIL THE FANTASTIC RATING SYSTEM. MOST OF US LUV j00. j00 R0X0R 0UR 80x0r$. And among the WDF rating system used: http: //www. uselise. com/dealerships/.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Flash Games, Game, Hail, Highlight, Internet Site, Showthread, Skilled Web, Sorts, Web Designer
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stream mp3?
is there anyway to supply an mp3 into a web browser without the visitor having for you to download extra software in any other case, what other high quality formats can often be streamed would the best bet end up being to embed the particular. mp3 into that flash i am sorry for newbness, never addressed audio before. nevermind, locate this thread: http: //www. webdesignforums. net/showthread. phpt=19357& highlight=stream had a typo beginer i searched i guess: /.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Best Bet, Extra Software, flash, High Quality, Highlight, Quality Formats, Showthread, Stream Mp3, Typo, Web Browser
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