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Installing Apache on Win2000 Prof
So downloaded the zip, removed it, and published the install doctor, it’s claiming l should download and installation the. msi report. WTF how is the fact that meant to install Hopelessly lost on this sucker Go read the actual this thread during vbf i strolled justin through the idea i’m sure that can be done it! hold out on i’ll uncover it Yep here ya go: http: //www. vbforums. com/showthread. phpthreadid=157785& highlight=apache beacon Read everthing then ask queries! Thanks dude, apparent this can be for PHP and HTML pages… is better than me why most of us need two website server setups Psst…. you obtain the manuals and many cool demos on the PHP sites Am likely to be all over brussels: thumbsup: Nah havent experienced much time in order to resume me php knowing!! Focusing on some asp venture!! First i’ll get noisyplanet up on a server plus the domain name after that i’ll learn php! Php is actually great… and not thay hard to learn. Found some weird quirks around PHP, though… PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() echo $something; // echos nothing But PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Beaker, Brussels, Domain Name, Echos, Geeks, Highlight, Html Pages, Nah, Nbsp, Php Asp, queries, Scope, Sucker, Thay, Thumbsup, Vb, Vbf, Web Developers, Weird Quirks
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My design work comment
Expensive Sir, I am working a website Alter: link drop taken away. AlphaMare & that such promotional video Alter: link drop taken away. AlphaMare Please give me several comment, thanks. Jordan Move this towards Ratings and Testimonials forum, or I’ll. Okay, Jessica… unless you answer this question which has a legitimate answer inside the next 24 time, I’m going to ban you merely because it’s obvious that you are here to inflate post counts. You must take ? that what Jordan did is fine " You can never trust a woman with 2 1st names". I believe this saying links with this situation AlphaMare good… is it my own posting problem or I desire to make a new posting at " Comparisons and Reviews" Start, if you will not mind, by reading the rules. Then post that junk in the right forum. I understand I shouldn’t like this… but that’s just too damned hilarious. Post that website itself presently there, yes. The online video media… if you’re not linking for the video on your blog post, then do thus. Hey, George : ever wonder just what the M. ANY. in my sig represents Check it today… Michael – it’s important … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, backlinks, Encounter, Free Marketing, Hilarious Post, Jordan, Legitimate Answer, Motive, Nah, Sig, Surn, Testimonials, Video Media
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Problematic .MOV
Hi presently there! I have a problem concerning a. MOV movie file. My client gave me a. MOV video to do business with. That vid useful on his Apple (using Quicktime MY PARTNER AND I suppose). Problem is actually, it’s just possibly not recognized by any software Concerning on any PC I gain access to. I tried to play it on: Quicktime (latest version), VLC Battler, Windows Media Gamer (I’m desprate), AVS Movie Converter, Koyote Movie Converter. Nothing works to date. Any suggestions Bless you! Thus, is it embedded in the web page, or maybe straight off the actual drive If it’s embedded with a page, that may occur the cause. It’s better to search with Youtube or something like it for like that. If you’re just dealing with straight off this drive… I can’t allow you to on that. Apples are just odd. while are the folks that swear by these… Nah, it’s off the drive. I own this unreadable. mov movie… Thanks anyway!!! Possibly it was encoded being a. mov with an older format. You’d consider the newest QT might run it, but Concerning seen the header to the file get corrupted by attempting to open it by … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged apple, apples, Legible Format, Mov File, Nah, Qt, Video Converter, Web Page, Windows Media, youtube
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