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Tag Archives: Nbsp
Installing Apache on Win2000 Prof
So downloaded the zip, removed it, and published the install doctor, it’s claiming l should download and installation the. msi report. WTF how is the fact that meant to install Hopelessly lost on this sucker Go read the actual this thread during vbf i strolled justin through the idea i’m sure that can be done it! hold out on i’ll uncover it Yep here ya go: http: //www. vbforums. com/showthread. phpthreadid=157785& highlight=apache beacon Read everthing then ask queries! Thanks dude, apparent this can be for PHP and HTML pages… is better than me why most of us need two website server setups Psst…. you obtain the manuals and many cool demos on the PHP sites Am likely to be all over brussels: thumbsup: Nah havent experienced much time in order to resume me php knowing!! Focusing on some asp venture!! First i’ll get noisyplanet up on a server plus the domain name after that i’ll learn php! Php is actually great… and not thay hard to learn. Found some weird quirks around PHP, though… PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() echo $something; // echos nothing But PHP: $something = ‘stuff’; function poo() … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Amp, Beaker, Brussels, Domain Name, Echos, Geeks, Highlight, Html Pages, Nah, Nbsp, Php Asp, queries, Scope, Sucker, Thay, Thumbsup, Vb, Vbf, Web Developers, Weird Quirks
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800 X 600 or 1024 X 768 ?
so well i’ve read somewhere that people use 900 X 600 reselution and well your sites look fine in my take on my 15inch monitor wiv 1024 TIMES 768 When will i set my site to become the rite measurement for every1 800×600 will be minimum every website should support. Just poorly designed web pages don’t work in 1024 X 768. I agree with Filburt, 800×600 will be resolution which all browser support. my partner and i always made website for 800×600. (if as well as is fixed width) or the positioning may be stretched to complete the browser. you possibly can design your internet site with tables utilizing %.. for model: PHP: < table width=100%> < tr> < td width=20> < img src=left_top_graphic. gif width=20> < /td> < td align=center> This table will stretch across the entire screen. The left_top_graphic will be to the far left. The right_top_graphic will be to the far right. Regardless of the web clients screen resolution. < /td> < td width=20> < img src=right_top_graphic. gif width=20> < /td> < /tr> < /table> Hope this kind of helps. If … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged 800x600 Resolutions, Code Lt, Img, Internet Site, Measurement, Nbsp, people, positioning, Td, Web Pages, Windows Xp
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e-mail form
I highly recommend you forgive the naivity along with ignorance I’m therefore obviously displaying right here! I’ve set up a form which often, upon the customer hitting the submit button, I wish to be e-mailed to an account provider that I stipulate. Is there a fairly easy addition to that html coding that might do this regarding me I’ve tried to accomplish it in frontpage yet got a garbled message about " frontpage extensions may only be looked at when uploaded". The use of php you incorporate the use of the technique below: PHP: < $to = “youyourdomain. com”; $subject = “your site – feedback”; $body = “< p> < font size=’2′ face=’Verdana’> This what will be displayed in the mail… “; $headers = “From: mailyoursite. com\n”; $headers . = “Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n”; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); echo “Thank you $_POSTname, your feedback has been presented… “; > Basically, the $to/$subject/$body ought to be obvious, the headers are exactly what displayed in the header belonging to the email, I’ve also added in the code int there for you youngster should be add html while in the body of this email, on your form for those who … Continue reading
Allowing Users to change Font Size
Greetings, I’m designing an internet site . for older people and as a consequence require it to be user friendly. Thusly I want them youngster should be vary the font size to permit them to go through it better. I know sometimes it is done by transitioning stylesheets, but can any person tell me how to accomplish this, or direct me to your tutorial Effectively, if you provide the area you need to change a identity, such as PHP: < div id=”divname”> div text< /div> Then, to be able to change it, believe do PHP: < script type=”text/javascript”> document. getElementById(“divname”). style. fontSize = ’14pt’; < /script> hope that helps Can’t they set it into their browsers For those who have a declared font size in the stylesheet or website page, that would override anyone user’s settings. Yet, they could check out View -> Copy Size, and modify it. Of course, they could. This is certainly, again, a matter of you writing how do i serve your readers, and not the other way around. Try a fixed font-size about the body tag, and have the sizes skin color other tags established to relative measurements (as in ems or %) with the … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Body Tag, Case 2, Change Identity, Consequence, Crack, Div, Ems, Font Size, Greetings, Internet Site, Lt, Nbsp, Relative Measurements, Setsize, Skin Color, Stylesheet, Stylesheets, Text Javascript, Youngster
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Help! Nowhere hidden to put private config file!
On the new website, all I’ve is a actual directory on my personal FTP. I do not have any directories underneath it helping put config files, we don’t want anybody to determine. The people along at the host said in order to password protect the directory the config file is currently in (a subdir in the root) with htaccess, but merely do this then the PHP include()s won’t be able to access it. Possibly there is any other way to make this file private on the outside world With thanks! You could take a step like this: PHP: if ( $_SERVER’PHP_SELF’ == ‘/protectedFolder/protectedFile. php’ ) die( ‘Private record, buddy. Step back again. ‘ ); I believe should work. Naturally, you change /protected… on the appropriate folder/file, relative on the *server root*. Ah I see, so should the actual file inside the browser is the private one, it’s going to display the meaning, but if it is a different page as well as private file is just being included, it won’t Because it isn’t really the current page I think I getcha. With thanks, buddy WE wouldn’t even show a message. Just forward them onto for … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged browser, Delete, directory, Grp, htaccess, Http Referer, Internet Example, Lt, Nbsp, Password Protect, people, Personal Ftp, Private File, Restriction, Rewritecond, rewriterule, Server Php, Server Root, Www Model
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Muti-part message in MIME format
Great day WDF buddies, I became wondering what a " mutli-part principles in MIME format" is/means/ and also why I continue getting them. Foundation: It is now the second time We’ve had this take place. With my website, www. shanispace. com, I have a form about the contact page. I acquired the php script originating from a friend of my own. This morning, I received four emails as being a " form submission" by different " people. " But that’s the lowest amount of of the weirdness. The form has four areas, all of which are required. If they’re not filled out, form doesn’t send. Hence, not all analysts are filled out in all the messages We’ve received. The " Subject" can be a drop-down, so there is absolutely no option to type something in, and a few the messages have got customized " Themes. " The particular messages themselves are usually primarily jibberish, with what look like parts of some sort of story. Each has a bcc to aol handles. And are claiming being somethingorothershanispace. com, which have been emails that never exist. (Crazy what your website adminstrator knows! ) My business is simply confused, so any insight can … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Adminstrator, Bcc, Buddies, Comprehension, Element, Insight, Mime Format, Nbsp, Php Script, Quot, Second Time, Showthread, submission, Website Www, Weirdness, Whole Lot
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Link Popularity
ok i am making a website where when you click on any link a show up pops up with a flash game with it. I choose to have my link list so as of most popular with the top and i would like this is end up being automatically updated. Is niagra possible in script… Not Flash! It needs to be script. Flash wouldnt work with what im performing. You could use an " facing outward link counter" then spit it right out the the db around desc order What do an individual mean by in that case spit it right out the db in desc order Would this be programmed did you decide to go to the website i posted in the event you did you can have seen the the idea stored the volumes of times the actual link as been clicked from a db. then… all you have to do is get the info on the db (in descendant order) into your page Certainly i read the particular link, What instant messaging asking is how would i " obtain info from this db (in descendant order) in to your page" You might need to user a device … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Database Table, Desc, Descendant, Flash Game, Instant Messaging, Link Counter, Link Popularity, Lt, Making A Website, Mysql Query, Nbsp, Php Mysql, Quot, Script Flash, Sql, Stuff
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