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Tag Archives: Php
Developing Websites with XHTML and CSS
http: //home. comcast. net/fredv4/xhtml/ Was mandated to link to them to retain this formatting. This should be only version 1. 0, model 1. 1 using more in-depth explanations of PHP plus CSS to explain certain issues. This and your osCommerce topic were said to be tutorials, but oh yea well.. If you need to submit them while tutorials, you have to attach them or even post their full text here. Goodness me, I didn’t find out. Should I re-post these individuals Yes, you possibly can, if you attach or post fully text Whoa, now THAT’s formatting!
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Comcast, Comcast Net, Css, Depth Explanations, Developing Websites, Formatting, Goodness, Model 1, Php, Xhtml
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Sorry but I’m not sure where I should ask this question…
When will i create a login thingy for my site making sure that people can grow to be a member. Sorry again to get posting this in this article but I do not know where I must be asking this in any way. Thanks xxx this should go in one of several programming forums.. You’ll have to learn a server-side language. ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI, ColdFusion, and many others. The simplest and auguably, the best way is to work with a database to retail store usernames and passwords. 2 user fills released the login type, the supplied username and password are matched using a username and password from your database. A cookie or perhaps session variable is then stored as well as user officially logged with.. At each ‘members only’ article, Check to find out if the cookie or even session variable occur. If it may, allow the user to watch the page. Otherwise, redirect the user with a ‘Please login’ internet page.. Ok gives thanks! Sorry again for when using the wrong board It’s not really in the incorrect forum, It is to get an idea of how to start things. I recommend using PHP and mySQL with this, … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Ask Question, Coldfusion, Jsp, Language Asp, Login Type, Mysql, people, Php, Programming Forums, Quot, Retail Store, Server Side Language, Usernames And Passwords, Xxx
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Can I hide a URL (for a particular page)?
We’ve created a dog training site so that the user to help ask aour coach a question by completing an application. Just recently this trainer wanted any fee added for every question submitted. I added a PayPal subscription button to start the submission method. When the PayPal purchase is complete, the form page is viewable. Naturally, the URL for the form page is likewise displayed and any one can navigate immediately to it bypassing this PayPal button. Perhaps there is anyway of covering the URL or limiting admission to the page without dealing with the PayPal purchase The simplest way to start this is to cover the page by way of including it in a very frameset. Have the top frame just 1px higher, and this will likely then mask the URL belonging to the form page you are loading into the bottom frame. EDIT: Example coding. Code: < html> < head> < title> Frameset Page< /title> < /head> < frameset rows=" 1, *" border=" 0" frameborder=" 0" > < mode name=" header" scrolling=" no" noresize target=" main" marginwidth=" 0" marginheight=" 0" > < mode name=" main" marginwidth=" 0" marginheight=" 0" scrolling=" auto" > < /frameset> < /html> You would … Continue reading
PHP Thieves
My pal pionted this out in my experience and i figured id share. Some guys cut the fusionphp site completly in conjunction with there scripts using a few alterations. I recently wanted to point out how uncool it can be that they managed this. I are ripped for material b4 too plus its not extremely cool. Transio includes told us regarding his color schemer matter also, which only adds to the list of lame ppl who’re making other people look bad. Examine the huge difference there is certainly between the first site and scripts if you need to check those too all this new site. http: //www. fusionphp. net sale – Original http: //www. xtremescripts. com — Thieves If you go to xtremexcripts it is best to think twice when they are only stealing from fusionphp as well as naming it theres. Moved into the " I seemed to be ripped" forum. Result in your friend has been ripped! Has he or she contacted the intruders Im uncertain if he features yet or certainly not, I think your dog plans on waging warfare though lol. Well now as a minimum some more consumers are bound to find it, rather than … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged alterations, Color Schemer, Completly, Conjunction, Consumers, Fusionphp, Internet Today, Intruders, Lol, Pal, Php, Pop Ups, Ppl, Quot, Scripts, Thieves, Trojan, Ups
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form, cant find it………………..
howdy, my mums boss in the local pub wants me to design a new webpage, i know the way to do it basically except the form. if you have a look at the contact web site, world wide web. royalfourtowns. co. uk (this is a old web site) i dont know really the way to do these but will there be anyway i could possibly just copy as well as paste it directly into my new web page. i cant find it in the html tho. in case you save that page then modify in dreamweaver my partner and i still cant come across it, any ideas Coursesmart uses a really commonn CGI script, the start of the form HTML is usually here: < variety action=" http: //www. royalfourtowns. company. uk/formmail/formmail. cgi" method=" POST" > If the script I think it is then it is rather unsecure and is usually used by spammers. I would check this in addition to change it regarding another script. You can do it along with PHP. I made an enormous thread on this – find it in this ‘PHP and MySQL’ forum.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Boss, Cgi Script, Contact Web, Formmail Cgi, Local Pub, Lt, Mums, New Webpage, Php, spammers, Tho, Web Page, World Wide Web
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Mark-up or Design, which comes first?
MY PARTNER AND I thought think this is certainly quite an exciting question to ask web developers. Which of most of these two comes first in the design process Some individuals may start about the composition and turn out by working on the code, other may take one other route. Start about the code, creating a bone like structure for the webpage and then consume by adding graphics Which can you use and why On earth do you feel there tend to be any benefits through doing either For a straight HTML web site, I start with all the graphics in Photoshop. I find that it is hard to start coding a web site when I dont know what it’s going to look like. If I’m coding in PHP however, MY SPOUSE AND I usually develop the actual PHP first, and build the design around the elements I want (text boxes, control keys, etc). I voted pertaining to design but again We’ve tried my hand in a bit of both. Sometimes I am going to just play all-around with CSS and try and make it while visually pleasing that they can with no shots, then add a couple of. But … Continue reading
Which should I use, setup a blog or manually?
Hi there. My business is re-working my webpage, and im looking for a little advice. My site are going to be more regularly up-to-date etc, and on the frontpage it will be literally filled with some news, similar to a blog. Today, on the right hand side, I’d personally also like it to talk about " Top YOUR FIVE News" or something equivalent (the exact wording doesnt matter with the moment), so im guessing that I will have to create some type of blog or one thing right How could we start off therefore etc.. It is sort of what My organization is after. But on the suitable hand side it has the latest updates and what definitely not… Thanks for virtually any help Amnesia make use of a blogging system. Incredibly easier and faster. www. wordpress. org it is a great one, it’s free and easy to install. Thanks a whole lot! Blogger is decent and easy to put together plus it can be free: http: //www. doodlekit. com/start This has lots of options, they have both a no cost and pay-for variation: https: //secure. pmachine. com/download. php But Blogger is a superb one to start with… Enjoy! MovableType’s … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Advice, Amnesia, Blog, blogger, Exact Wording, File News, First Choice, Free Version, Movabletype, News Script, News Today, Php, variation, Whole Lot
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form answers emailed to me
When will i get the answers to somewhat of a form emailed to an account While component of me wants to inform you where you are able to google it (pretty unable to walk and vauge question), I would like karma with the particular forum gods, so this is your answer: There are acctually numerous ways to achieve this, but they most of involve a server-side terms. Depending on what your host makes it possible for, this can necessarily mean using cgi, Perl as well as PHP (there will be hundreds more). Any language will last this task, though I’d perfer PHP. Basically you’d just write the script, and possess the form ‘post’ to be able to it. The same concept is employed for Perl/cgi, besides the script is wrote and saved differently. If you can’t know or would like to learn any server facet languages, I would reccomend considering a site similar to hotscripts. com and getting a script that matches what you are looking for. Make sure how the language matches your host (php is mostly only on pay hosts, asp is on more pricey paid hosts, perl/cgi is usually on about everything). These generally have simple instrustions … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Blank Mail, Diameter, Facet, google, Hosts, Html Script, Insight, Languages, Lt, Perl, Personal Email, Php, Scipt, Scipts, Server Side, target
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How would I have a picture on my site, with a random link each time you open the page
Greetings, I’ve made fundamental webpages before, and am wondering how We’d have a photo on my site that would have a random link all the time you open the actual page. the graphic wouldn’t change, just simply the link. Precisely how would i perhaps do this MANY THANKS VERY MUCH! We are not sure myself but My business is guess you would desire php for this. You may should make four copies in the same image or something like that to carry out it. I am not sure if it is realistic just to change the link, but I know it certainly is with different photos. I guess you may just may a few copies and implement a random image on the webpage with the different link per one Make feeling Maybe having Javascripting, but lots of people are now converting off their particular Javascripting, which would cause it to not work. The amount of links are you discussing, and would this be actual haphazard, or simply cycle through a listing… would you work with cookies to determine if someone has already had the website displayed on their own browser Learn if your hosting company offers SSI (Server Side Includes). … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged browser, Cookies, Desire, guess, Hosting Company, Javascripting, Many Thanks, Page Greetings, Photo, Photos, Php, Random Image, Random Link, Server Side, Ssi, Webpage
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