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Tag Archives: Web Page
Suggestions Needed – Auto Website Ideas!!!
Fulfilled this guy who seem to owns dealerships for just two big Motorcycle as well as Scooter manufacturers — he wanted me for making a website pertaining to him. Here’s this scene: ONE PARTICULAR. He’s a *local* vendor in two cities A COUPLE OF. Customers are possibly not websavvy – they will see his classified ads in newspapers and also respond – aren’t the sort who would get on to the net, and then look up scooters etc, and then come to her site to purchase etc.. SEVERAL. Doesn’t need any eCom solution – he handles his Manufacturers thro S/W that will they’ve provided – doesn’t require his own bit of Supply Chain e-enabled. Website, I need that you tell me: ONE PARTICULAR. The utility of an site for him – if we all make it A COUPLE OF. If we do ensure it is, what sort of site should the idea be What is definitely the features on this One idea — a portfolio of most models he presents, with on-the-fly generation in the model’s picture along with price details with whatever mix of accessories the customer chooses… Well then , i’ll know…. as soon as possible too… what … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Auto Website, Base Newspapers, Classified Ads, Current Marketing, Ecom Solution, Fly, India, Making A Website, Marketing Base, models, Motorcycle, Php Site, Predicament, Price Details, Scooter Manufacturers, Sumthin, Supply Chain, Web Interface, Web Page, Website Ideas
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Wav or not?
Will be best kind involving sound file to utilize for a web site I tried make use of a wav but for any 1 1/2 minutes song its for instance 12MB and im using a free host and dont have tons of free space that will through around. Can there be a better kind to utilize and the wav was choosing a long ass moment to load and play. I are to pages that are fitted with a song playing and yes it didnt take such a long time. Is this even though im on a no cost host so stuff arent going quickly is there a method to use like an Mp3 in an attempt to save space CD is good, for your web page apply something around 96 kbits/sec with the bitrate. QuickTime is effective too. However to consider that it is known as extremely unprofessional (and annoying to my advice, at least) each time a webpage suddenly begins blasting music.
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Free Host, Free Space, Kbits, Long Time, Mp3, Music, Quicktime, Space Cd, Wav, Web Page
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Bandwidth Leeches
What may i suggest to a friend who writes my family: The host provides a strong IIS/Windows 2000 server. They also give CGI, in the examples below languages: PHP4, PERL, SSI, ASP. Regrettably, I know next to nothing about any analysts. The only language I’m pretty good together with is HTML, which usually up until a short while ago, was all WE ever needed. The primary issue is leeches remotely relating to my visuals or sounds once i am the one investing in the bandwidth. Whether the people really visit my site isn’t important, especially since I provide all this for free. The website is averaging EIGHT – 10, 000 visitors via 45 – 50+ countries per month, so I am OK using the head count. I get specific site stats on a regular basis, and this is actually how I get the remote links. There are various different types connected with remote linking, they’re: YOU. They design his or her site, but rather than downloading my files then uploading them recommended to their own server, that they link remotely. Whenever someone visits the site and individuals pages are viewed within a browser, I finance the bandwidth. I get rid … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Bandwidth, Document Name, Finance, Hassle, Investing, Languages, Leech, Leeches, Messes, people, Perl, Site Stats, Ssi, Visuals, Web Page, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server
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Lack of Ideas….
Razor Cutz is actually my little website, i know their nothing grand which i can do tons better, but we have been really from ideas right now…. so in the event you guys can give me ideas or such…. First idea is to shed the splash web site. It’s useless, and it took me a little while to figure out how to get into your web blog. At first MY PARTNER AND I thought your dash page was all you had up. The non-underlined website confused me. So far as what to include, it seems to acquire alot of what personal site might have: Journal, Art Gallery, Hyperlinks, Contact page, for example. I like the art surrounding the site too, good touch. thanky okay ill eradicate the splash site yeah its quite a personal site, but i dont really strive to be like every additional n00b personal web-site and i wanna put something more move forward…. i relish your artwork aound each one page!! its fantastic nonetheless as splufdaddy stated, your link desires tobe more noticeable. i believe you should throw away the iframe and allow it to become into a more professional looking web page. that should keep you … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Art Gallery, artwork, Cutz, Gallery Examples, hyperlinks, Images, Journal Art, Paintings, Personal Site, Personal Web Site, Personallity, Photographs, Razor, Splash Web, target, Time Users, Web Blog, Web Page
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Namo WebEditor
I anticipate using Namo WebEditor 5. 5 demo and We are worried about using it for Week and the wording it puts at the bottom telling about the trial version. The question Relating to is can I vary easy adjust or remove the particular text after building a large site, without editing every single page. Also what’s the best was to manage a large web page, I was told SSI would be ideal, but Namo doesent manage to do SSI. Fantastic, Gary Creed glcreedcharter. internet You might want to try Dreamweaver MX as a substitute (http: //www. macromedia. com/dreamweaver/). It’s not only now the market standard WYSIWYG editor/site office manager, but the trial run it offers is just not limited the slightest bit that I recognize of. I love Edit Plus A COUPLE OF ( www. editplus. com ). The idea colors tags and also text and this kind of different colors intended for easier navigation. This is certainly for code men and women though, if your doing full on video or graphic work then this is not for you. They have a 30 morning trial on them, but does possibly not stop working following 30 days. Theres no added … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Aswell, Control Keys, Creed, Demo, Different Colors, Doesent, Graphic Work, Ideal, Men And Women, Mx, Namo Webeditor 5, Ssi, Trial Version, Web Page
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Help Me With My List of EVERY File Extension
Quite simply, I’m making a new log analyzer program (that is definitely the first decent one for under $500!!! ). I’m trying build a comprehensive list of every file extension on the net that indicates your page (and possibly not an image/plugin/etc. ). Here’s what I’ve so far: html htm shtml stm php pl cgi asp cfm (no extension) I had been wondering if people guys/girls can think about any I might have missed. (Note: It _will_ be possible for individuals to add extensions in the preferences, but in my own days doing website development I’ve learned to make things as automatic as you possibly can… there’s more Grandpa Bob’s within the ‘Net than you would imagine. So, I’d like to try and get as numerous extensions as I will. ) Oops, did not remember jsp… there’s additional. You’re missing a few hundred, although your search is at vain. If I wanted to I may possibly serve a PHP web page under page. mysuperextension merely wanted to… . aspx . shtm . ascx . php3 . php4 . php5 . jst The examples below formats also assistance ASCII output: . txt . htl . xml . vrml . sgml . … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Ascii Output, Ascx, Asp, benefit, Brak, Dll, File Extension, Girls, Grandpa Bob, Jsp, Php Web, Php5, Phtml, Pl Cgi, Shtml, Svg, Tweaking, Web Page, Xml
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What to charge
Heya. I’m new to this thread. I’m not working for a web designer seeing that my day position, but I are getting busier. I’m the ol’ canundrum connected with " my cousin knows FrontPage that will do my web page for $100". I’ve been researching web design fees without having much achievements. I’m keen on this quote by http: //www. alistapart. com/stories/fee/fee1. html "… If you’re perfect. You’ll be hard pressed to look for a client who will be willing to cover your inefficiencies because you go through numerous designs, flip-flopping somewhere between frames and conference tables or between environmentally friendly and blue. Where don’t you draw the line between experimentation and also legitimate coding" But are usually answer Most of the sites I do do not own complicated forms, or anything else. ie: http: //www. shiftingears. com What don’t you guys charge Just about any tips With thanks. I charge what you will pay. It contains experience and learning concerning the business in common.. there’s no hard answer. Umm… u mean no quick answer Complicated will not necessarily mean more costly. The cost is obviously a tough stability between their banking account and yours, ever teetering within the brink … Continue reading
Posted in Web Design
Tagged Abyss, Banking Account, Brink, Canundrum, Conference Tables, Confidence, Cousin, Inefficiencies, Purchaser, Throughput, Two Thirds, Web Design Fees, Web Designer, Web Page
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