To Designing Gurus from web Dummy

Throughout southern california Elaine Jacobi
I have a new hat off for everyone designing Gurus with today. I helpful to write graphics reasonable length of time ago when kitchen tables were still the hit and modern scripts failed to exist… I dropped from designing for about 3 years and now discovered we am way out and about in stone grow older compare to sleek sites you are writing today…
But I emerged of woods waving white flag to you personally begging for whim…
We have a dream of creating tribal vocabulary encyclopedia for indigenous cultures from the world rapidly disappearing on the face of Earth. It would become community based web page where people can submit his or her video and audio tracks clips with spoken words with their tribes and sub cultures.

The real nightmare lays in scripting for the reason that site will likely need to cross reference every word in Language dictionary to each one word in tribal languages thus to their respective cultures. Very much alike a search powerplant script except that rather than one result may well provide selection regarding results for particular component of the world. Such as Native American Indian languages or Aboriginal Hawaiian tribes or Maori connected with New Zealand.

So it would seem like two search engine boxes where one would type a word with reference to English word in a dictionary and a few of tribal ‘languages’ would appear inside another box with reference to this word with connection to detailed explanation, clips etc ….

We have a clear idea of how it will seem like and navigation isn’t problems but scripting may be a challenge beyond my own can…

So my hat has already been off I would like to pass it on for collection of your respective great ideas as well as scripting donations…

Oh yea, yes I almost forgot I will be using Top Page because with regards to contest I am afraid I will be biting more than Allow me to chew so I am going to leave scripting to help experts.
Thank you for your time
Elaine Jacobi

Howdy Elaine,

Consider databases and online programming languages. MySQL is often a popular free list, and PHP and Ruby on Track are good ‘languages’ for beginners to begin with with.

There’s plenty of info here, or you can search Google within the above and find thousands of references online.

All the best!

thank you

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