Hello there I’ve upgraded by IE6 to IE8 however I’m still getting
Incompatible internet browser alert
Sorry but we never support Internet Explorer A FEW. Please download and use a more up-to day browser:
World-wide-web Explorer 8 Mozilla Firefox Search engine Chrome Opera.
I’m using IE8 Truly checked compatibility mode – thats not the matter.
Any ideas Should i reinstall IE8.
What’s the website you’re obtaining this from. There’re probably decoding the browser headers improperly.
Or you’ve got compatibility mode with.
Thanks for that reply,
I’ve gone over to Firefox as well as don’t remember the sites I got getting the inconpatibility message after that were a handful of, I think the particular problem’s mine.
Zymic the free of charge hosting service has become the sites that shows me the message
next time i try to log to the cPanel via IE8
I looked at the source and seen this particular doctype data:
<! DOCTYPE WEB CODING PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD WEB CODING 4. 01//EN" " http: //www. w3. org/TR/html4/strict. dtd" >
Maybe it is because they’re not utilizing xHTML…. I imply c’mon, HTML 4 is around since the particular late 90’s….
Ideas on IE8 as well as Doctype compatability.