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I know web coding css php sql javascript plus I code in these constantly but I possess a difficult time preserving the comments dependable because I hold thinking oh this kind of looks better also this looks improved.
Find out how to comment your computer code for easy readability
I generally don’t. A programmer good friend of mine and also I share the same philosophy; if you name your options, subs, variables, instruction, etc. meaningfully, in which case you provide your very own documentation without having to comment the code (or no less than as minimal as possible commenting is expected. )
You see that is a theory I recently started to come across as I used to use three characters to represent everything:
. hom_hea < – Someone MY PARTNER AND I worked for sought me to code similar to this.
In which I evolved to help:
. hom_header
I wouldn’t apply three characters for something unless three characters is definitely an obvious abbreviation (e. f. I use Cur with regard to Current). But that is just me.
activity is right. i have better things you can do then write unproductive figures. naming and formatting will show you a lot. i tightly group items like core conditions along with leave start brackets for a line alone to get higher level ailments. a space range between one script to the next and plainly have one file performing a good deal sequentially, i use //> > > > between each script with all the final values attended to one line above so i am aware the output or at the least the $var name is right above //> > > >
I think it’s just good practice to endure and comment a person’s code. For example if someone aside from you has that will edit it, it then becomes easier from them to understand where they are.