Somewhere between PHP Frameworks, Dark red on Rails, and Python Django
Which has the particular brightest future What the heck is best for the e-commerce and web 2 . 0 site to get highly-scalable Which has the best professional, knowledgeable and intellectual developer puddle
I’d say it’s whichever you might be most comfortable together with and whichever you realize how to use best.
I’m not really a developer, but getting prepared to contract an software out and Im curious what everyone’s opinion of the various frameworks are since I am by no means an expert.
For this topic, I am currently developing a PHP framework today: Transio Framework
A friend of mine is overall his Javascript Construction (don’t laugh, it can be AMAZING): Golf
I might say Ruby at Rails, PHP Zend, and Cake PHP are hard bets when it comes to existing frameworks for your languages you described. I don’t recognize anything about Python.
To get scalability, I’d express Zend. That’s just what exactly Magento Commerce is usually built on. Nice thing in relation to Zend Framework is that you may run it within the Zend Platform, which usually gives significant effectiveness enhancements. Of course, you could run anything on the load-balanced EC cluster and be fine when it comes to scalability…
I’d say that really depends just how big you plan the website on being.
A lot of sites get created without frameworks.
Usually i f the developer incorporates a good understanding involving MVC architecture (one on the best design designs which emphasizes seperation with data access, enterprise logic, and presentation) than they can do it with out a framework. This is harmful scalability and maintenance most of the time though. Most of the frameworks (CAKE PHP, MVC4PHP, and others) simply just force users to adhere to the seperation.
There are plenty of frameworks and it really depends on what youre carrying out.
Sometimes a light framework or no framework could be the best option.